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Thread: Why Do You Shave With a Straight Razor?

  1. #71
    rum is offline
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    I'd also like to add my thanks and congrats on doing something like this, Obie.

    For me, it was ingrown hairs whilst using canned goo and the latest Gillette shaving system to dawn on the world. I got monster ingrown hairs when I started to shave daily (big mistake). One lump (bump) on my throat was so big, it made moving my head to look up very painful. I wasn't bothering them or anything, but my thick, coarse beard, sensitive and combination sensitive/dry skin made the situation worse.

    I tried DE and shavette methods along with various shaving creams (Nivea, Kaloderma from Germany) and eventually settled for GFT Rose cream. After finishing a pot and several tubes (that was a good 5 years ago now), I went on to soaps. I discovered this site (among others) a year later. I bought my first 'real' straight razor about there too.

    Never once have I decided to go back. My face looks and feels better and I find it hard to believe even now that shaving technology has not really moved forward much since the 60s or 70s. I found this MSNBC article was very useful for me.

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  3. #72
    Senior Member LawsonStone's Avatar
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    One reason I love shaving with a straight...

    ...that crisp, crackling sound that a full-hollow razor makes sweeping the stubble off my face. Someone once, very aptly, compared it to the sound of buttering dry toast.

    I love that sound, and I only get it when I have the lightest touch. Pressure stifles that distinctive sound of a straight razor happily fulfilling its destiny.

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  5. #73
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    At first it was the nostalgia, and the challenge to build the necessary skills to relive a sigificant part of history.
    That fulfilled, I sought older and older razors, which held even more history and experience than I could imagine.
    My youngest razor is over 50 years old. My oldest predates this country. I have two that were found hidden in a house built before the Revolutionary War.
    My razors have been on sailing ships, horseback, carried home in the first cars. In settlers homes. They've crossed this country in wagons and the first railways.
    These simple, and beautiful tools are still shaving. Shaving me. They will still be making history when I am gone.
    I can only hope it is with someone that has a similar quest.

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  7. #74
    Senior Member rostfrei's Avatar
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    ingrown-hairs from electric & limited availability of electricity plus disgust w/ throw-away plastic razors. Also, st8 razoring is almost a lost art & it takes skill. Some give up b4 they learn.

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  9. #75
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Nice read Obie,as always!!

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  11. #76
    Senior Member dirtychrome's Avatar
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    One day, ridding into work, I thought back to being five.

    When dad came home at night, we'd hop on on the runnning boards as he drove up the drive, so excited to see him. He'd scoop us kids up and give us a great big dad kiss. Thinking back at his scratching hugs made me smile.

    I looked in the rear view mirrors. I saw as much stubble on my maw going into work, as Pops had on his, when he came home.

    I reflected on my morning routine. I was PO'd that I didn't take more pride in a clean shave.

    no this wasnt the 30's. Like many engineers, Dad was thirfty and drove a bug.
    Last edited by dirtychrome; 09-04-2010 at 05:55 AM.

  12. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to dirtychrome For This Useful Post:

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  13. #77
    Senior Member MaritimeFanatic's Avatar
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    If you have to do something, you might as well do it with a little class!

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  15. #78
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    Started using a straight to get away from being forced to shave the way corporate America requires us to shave, to remove the most money from our pockets. Now my money goes to all us cheap guys that swap razors with each other!!!!!

    Now I just enjoy the shave and forget the throw away razors and blades.

  16. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to woodturner For This Useful Post:

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  17. #79
    Member ofelas's Avatar
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    I switched to straights so I could save money on disposable blades.

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    Obie (09-07-2010)

  19. #80
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    I enjoy the smell of the shaving soap, the old school feel of using a straight razor, and the great feeling I get after a relaxing straight razor shave before I leave for work at 4:50 AM. Anyone can drag a Mach 3 or whatever across their face, but it takes a skillful hand to guide a sharp blade to get a great close shave.

  20. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to pmburk For This Useful Post:

    CaliforniaCajun (05-13-2011), Nightblade (05-13-2011), Obie (05-19-2011)

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