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  1. #11
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    I do much the same with TV. Too many things to do that are better and/or more pressing to get done.

    I don't really pay that much attention to hair growth. I only know that if I just give one pass I need to shave in 24 hours or less. If I give more than one pass it might be as long as 36 hours, the second pass needs to be against the grain though. It also depends on the attention I pay to the closeness of the shave not just to not removing parts of my face.

    On the plucking and King Henry Whatever, I wonder what the job turnover rate was. Ouch, off with your head! LOL.


  2. #12
    Senior Member str8rzrshvr's Avatar
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    Default Off with your head! LOL

    I suppose that's one way to remove facial hair! A shave and a haircut in one fell swoop! LOL

    Would a styptic pencil or an alum block stop the bleeding???

  3. #13
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Gives new meaning to just take a little off the top. lol

  4. #14
    Junior Member misj's Avatar
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    It's a very popular myth since people can blame the thickening on shaving, not the fact that the hair grows heavier as we get older.

  5. #15
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YGingras
    It was proven scientifically in 1928 that there is no correlation
    between shaving and hair growth. It might be hard to find but
    here is the reference

    Hair growth and shaving
    Mildred Trotter
    The Anatomical Record
    Volume 37, Issue 4, 1928. Pages 373-379

    If you actually find it I'd like to have a scan
    So the fact that I had zero chest hair at 22 outside the clear peach fuzz and at 24 after I had shaved and regrown my chest hair multiple times it was almost as thick as a monkey's is just coincidence?

  6. #16
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Precisely!

    Quote Originally Posted by FUD
    So the fact that I had zero chest hair at 22 outside the clear peach fuzz and at 24 after I had shaved and regrown my chest hair multiple times it was almost as thick as a monkey's is just coincidence?
    This logical fallacy is a type of wishfull thinking called the Post Hoc Fallacy. You were confused about the reason for your increased hair growth because you happened to be shaving your chest hair at the time of your life when it was growing in thicker. Add the Confirmation Bias because you have heard the wives tale and want to believe it and you're home free on the wrong track. Problem well solved!


  7. #17
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    That is a nice thought. But it doesn't always apply. I have noticed my beard heavier since shaving every day with a straight. This is not three weeks later and I am not 21..... For a long time. I am still skeptical because I am a New Yorker ( we trust nothing) but I know what I feel and see.

  8. #18
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichZ
    That is a nice thought. But it doesn't always apply. I have noticed my beard heavier since shaving every day with a straight. This is not three weeks later and I am not 21.....

    Yea and for me, I had gone through puberty at 14 and my hair didn't start sliding off my head down to my back and arse until I was in my 30's

    I'd agree with the fallacy theory had I experienced changes in my hair growth anywhere other than where I was shaving it but I didn't.

    Also, I'm a sceptic by nature, I'll try it out first and believe it afterwards only IF it works. This appeared to work ONLY on the areas I was shaving.

    Now if I could only find a natural method to REDUCE "bum" hair I'd be in business

  9. #19
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    I've noticed two distinct growth periods myself even though I've always shaved as little as I could manage (except since July). Until my mid twenties it was really still peach fuzz for the most part on my face and twelve hairs on my chest. It's easy to count to twelve. Then over the course of a few months it became a light beard and a few dozen chest hairs . Ten years after that I made a definite increase again. I have some decent whiskers now. Some are trouble what with ingrowing and all (not since July). I expect something like that might occur again in perhaps another ten years. I'd feel verile if it did.

    I knew a guy who had no chest hair till he hit his thirties and then he turned into a bald bear in less than two years. One half of him grew furry in the first year and the other in the next. But all bald all at once. i think it was the left side which grew the first year. True story. Nice guy. Does a funny Mexican number with a guitar.


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