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  1. #11
    Senior Member singlewedge's Avatar
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    +1 on everything said above.

    Here is one I did not see.

    RELAX!!! You're shaving your buddy. If you nick him, you'll both go for beers and laugh about it.

    Just shave.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to singlewedge For This Useful Post:

    mosley59 (10-19-2009)

  3. #12
    Senior Member northpaw's Avatar
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    Not a ton of experience, but I did successfully shave my brother and my dad.

    1. As others have mentioned, get to short stubble first via scissors or clippers. While doing this, ask the guy if he has typical problem areas.

    2. Prep well, then prep some more. Some variation of face-lathering and massaging the lather should do, but make sure the victim has had lather on his stubble for a good 3-5 minutes either way.

    3. Don't even attempt to go ATG anywhere unless the WTG and XTG both go extremely well. Even then, avoid ATG on the moustache area.

    4. Exude confidence. Don't sweat the inevitable ultra-tiny nicks, since most will stop weeping by the end of the shave.

    Other than that, all I can add is that it will likely be easier - but take longer - than you expect.

    Have fun!

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    mosley59 (10-19-2009)

  5. #13
    Member Ramusico's Avatar
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    Good luck man. I'm interested to see how it goes. I want to do that for a friend when I get good enough.

    It would also be a good time to get some information out of him. If you too are good friends I'm sure he did something in the past you can remind him about while you are getting that neck area! lol

    have fun,

  6. #14
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Your a brave man and your friend is even braver. When we shave ourselves we use feel more than anything else and you don't have that when you shave another. That's why old time barbers went to school for this. Also to add to the problem unless you have a barbers chair your going to be doing it in a very unnatural and difficult position to boot.

    But good luck. Let us know how it turns out.
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  7. #15
    Senior Member paco's Avatar
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    As a barber back in the 70's, I have a few shaves on others under the belt,
    " this is not literal ".
    I found if you are a little hesitant, try to place the razor on a slight toe down angle and as you stretch let the stretch pull the hair thru the blade.
    This is just on the first WTG pass. Also as mentioned before if you can trim the beard first with a clipper or shears.
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  8. The Following User Says Thank You to paco For This Useful Post:

    mosley59 (10-20-2009)

  9. #16
    < Banned User > Blade Wielder's Avatar
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    I've shaved a couple of people. One said it was the best shave he ever had.

    I'd suggest using cream, not soap. It'll look amateurish if you're constantly pausing to re-lather. Also, when you begin, you'll probably find yourself repositioning your hands and your body quite a bit, since the approach is totally different than shaving your own face (aside from the principles mentioned, of course).

    Also, if you happen to nick the subject and he asks if you whether or not he's been cut, tell him no, and to stop being a baby. Then make all efforts to hide the blood that's in the lather.

  10. #17
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DPflaumer View Post
    On a more serious note, if you decide to go with a DE, be sure to trim the hair short first. I tried shaving a week of growth with a DE one time and it felt like I was trying to rip the hair out.
    As an aside, this comment and others above about trimming the beard as short as possible first using clippers or scissors illustrates the point made by some on SRP that we should think of straight shaving as beard reduction instead of shaving. And, it also illustrates why a sharp razor is sometimes described as pulling by newbies.

  11. #18
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    Unfortunately my friend has decided to keep his beard for now, after shaving his head his scalp is feeling the chill, so he's decided to keep his beard to keep his face warm, until his hair grows back to a length he can keep his head warm with, at which point the beard is gone.
    Many thanks for all the tips though. Perhaps a mod could put these in the wiki? (the page in there for shaving someone else is completely empty at the moment)

  12. #19
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mosley59 View Post
    Unfortunately my friend has decided to keep his beard for now, after shaving his head his scalp is feeling the chill, so he's decided to keep his beard to keep his face warm, until his hair grows back to a length he can keep his head warm with, at which point the beard is gone.
    Many thanks for all the tips though. Perhaps a mod could put these in the wiki? (the page in there for shaving someone else is completely empty at the moment)

    Haha! Did he wuss out...?

    But the wiki idea is a good one..!

  13. #20
    Senior Member Kingfish's Avatar
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    I did not see this mentioned. I only shaved one other person than myself and it was tolerable for both of us, but I am no barber for sure. I will emphasize one thing only POSITION!!!!! his head needs to be high enough where you are not bending in an odd position. Most chairs don't bring the "patron" to the desired height. A backed stool might be a better option. I am sure you will be not speeding through you first barbering job and it will be easier on your back to get his head up high enough.

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