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  1. #1
    Senior Member Steelforge's Avatar
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    Default It's like riding a bike....

    Yesterday I had my first straight razor shave for over a year. Basically I got to a point where I so busy and was staying away from home so much due to work I just stopped using my straights and went to a DE for convenience, and after a few months sold all of the straights and strops (yes I know, stupid idea).

    So last week I purchased a well used but nice 6/8 TI SRP LE from this forum which needed re-pinning (one of the pin collars had fallen off). Luckily I still have my 'razor restoration box' in the garage so giving it a clean up and re-pin was no problem.

    I'm still waiting on my new strop from Tony, but yesterday morning I decided what the hell and thought I'd have a straight shave anyway. I stropped the razor up on the palm of my hand, which was not ideal but just about acceptable.

    The shave went ok, there was a bit of pulling when doing the mustache and the tops of the sideburns, but it went fine. It's amazing how you just seem remember the technique once it has become ingrained, and you remember almost exactly how much pressure/angle to use. I did a WTG pass, and then a combination XTG/ATG pass (basically exactly what Lynn does on his DVD if you've seen that - which has always worked for me). No nicks, no cuts, and almost BBS all over. What I'd forgotten (which impressed me a lot after a year DE shaving) is the comfort of the shave, and the fact that my cheeks/jaw/chin were still smooth at 10pm last night - which never happens with a DE.

    In fact my face is still pretty smooth this morning almost 24hrs later, and what stubble there is that's starting to come through feels totally different to DE stubble.

    I'll probably leave the next shave for a few days until my strop arrives, as I think a proper stropping will sort out some of the pulling. The previous owner had done a very decent honing job on the razor, though my preference is for it to be a little sharper. As luck would have it, my new selected grade Belgian yellow coticule arrived yesterday from (from Ardennes Coticule - natural sharpening stones from Vielsalm Belgium. - typically just after I'd shaved) so I touched up the razor 20 strokes with a slurry, and 20 strokes with just water to polish. With a stropping it should be just about perfect.

    I'm very glad to be back, and looking forward to my next shave!

    Unfortunately, I've also started perusing Maestro Livi's website again (why oh why did I sell my 3, especially the Takeda Damascus!?! ), which is not a good thing since I'm currently out of work!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mike7120's Avatar
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    Glad to hear that you're back in the game!

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Welcome back and enjoy

  4. #4
    CRR is offline
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    Yeah, I had a similar experience. It's actually been a couple of years for me. I had gotten to the point where I was just so busy and just started using my DE and getting some pretty good, comfortable shaves. However, I didn't sell or get rid of any of my straights, they just collected dust and some rusting...oops.

    A few weeks ago I had some time on the weekend and starting polishing them up and then I had the urge to shave, so I pulled out my Norton 4k/8k and Shapton and went to town on 4 or 5 razors. After I had something that looked and tested well, I pulled out a strop that could stand by itself in the corner and rubbed it down and then found brush/soap, etc and proceeded to slice and dice. (Actually getting strop and everything else ready took another day)

    I had a great shave and was reminded why I love to shave with such a tool. I've been on the straight since and really enjoying myself.

    I also located a few razors that needed some work that I had picked up a few years back but put away for a later time. It was fun finding these little treasures. I still have to pick up a few tools for pin tightening, etc., but looking forward to getting those in shape.

    Good to be back in the straights again...

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Hmm, I used my Iwasaki a couple of days ago for the first time in many months and I was definitely rusty and I have the cut on my neck to prove it.
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  6. #6
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Great to see you back! The Livi/Takeda from you is one of my very favorite shavers.
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