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  1. #21
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rupert87 View Post
    My soap is TOBS lavender.

    A question, what is Uberlather?

    Uberlather is a combination of both soap and cream, plus a few drops of glycerin.

    This results in a really rich, thick lather that looks like whipped cream. Its also fun to make...!

    Heres the Wiki link:

    Making Ãœberlather - Straight Razor Place Wiki

  2. #22
    Comrade in Arms Alraz's Avatar
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    Uberlather is the combination of soap, cream and a few drops of glycerin to produce an enhanced lather. This combination is aimed at obtaining the better cushion of creams with the better glide of soaps. It is generally used to improve the quality of products (cream/soap) that have low to mid performance but it could be used with high performance products as well. This is a link from the wiki on how to make it:

    Making Ãœberlather - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    With good lathering skills, the soap you are currently using should give you great performance alone.

    Al raz.

    Quote Originally Posted by rupert87 View Post
    My soap is TOBS lavender.

    A question, what is Uberlather?

  3. #23
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    I'm with Craig on the use of the sink, and I agree that I'd rather use one quality product than mix up multiple products.

  4. #24
    Senior Member sffone's Avatar
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    A question, what is Uberlather?

    It's my understanding that Uberlather is made from a combination of both soap and cream.

  5. #25
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Although the Wiki is a great reference if you want the rest of the story go to the source

    Way to many asked and answered questions are in the original threads...

    The method you are referencing is usually called the "Safe Method" for lather making... There have been others that have tried the Skin Food, different oils, even shampoo to boost lathers...

    The Safe Method, Super Lathers, and Uberlathers, seem to be the ones that have stuck around and caught on so far... Besides on course just simple lather on the face
    Last edited by gssixgun; 11-11-2009 at 07:39 PM.

  6. #26
    Senior Member ZMKA's Avatar
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    Well, I did try this recipe and it made a nice slick lather.
    I used GFT Coral Skin Food and AOS Lavender soap in a G-town scuttle. I mixed the lather using a Shavemac D01 19mm, which in my experience has been great for building lathers.

    I followed it to a T, which was a little confusing, as there were instructions to build the lather, but no instructions to add water... so I didn't add water for the first pass.

    It was pretty luxurious, as one would expect. Very slick and it held up well. But the consistency was not what I was used to. It certainly appeared hydrated... but it wasn't fluffing out like my lather usually does.

    For the second pass, I sprinkled a little water in the lather as it didn't seem to give me the volume that I usually get with soaps and creams. I think adding water was a mistake. Fortunately I didn't use much, I just got my fingers wet and sprinkled the lather, but it did start to get a little runny after that. Still slick, but it wouldn't hold together as well after this and it threatened to start dripping during my shave.

    No doubt about it, this is a very luxurious way to shave. It did leave my skin feeling moisturized and healthy - even without ASB or AS of any kind.

    I'm certainly no expert on lathers, soaps, glycerine and the nuances of such. I've got my shaving technique down and I can get a really close shave, but this is graduate level stuff... Its a little beyond me to give an in-depth review on whether this was better than a dab of AdP. But it was kind of nice. I think I will experiement with adding a little glycerine (a few drops) to my lathers before I try this again so I can get a better idea of how glycerine is supposed to perform.

  7. #27
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    I'm pretty sure I did mention that water is needed. Sounds good using only Skin Food though, I might give it a go this evening! Remember, there's probably a quantity of water in skin food anyway.

    I wonder if anyone's tried shaving off just skin food?

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