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  1. #11
    Rusty nails sparq's Avatar
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    There is quite a bit of apples-to-oranges comparisons going on here.

    If you want to properly compare razors on terms of sizes only, make sure you:

    * compare the same grinds
    * compare the same grinds
    * compare the same grinds
    * compare edges of the same keenness, i.e. fresh sharpened by the same honemeister

    Honestly, I cannot tell a general difference in smoothness between Sheffield and Solingen steels. Some of my Germen feel smoother than some of my English and the vice versa. What matters more than steel is often the blade geometry, especially the edge angle AFAICT.

    Small blades require you to have a steady and sure hand. Unlike the heavy blades, you are in full control of what is going on. Heavies can be often just dragged along and their weight and momentum smoothen all the irregularities in your motions.

    My 2c.

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  3. #12
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    Wasn't really my intention to compare the razors other than to ask what techniques may be different for one other than another. That said, I am pretty sure the F.R. is full hollow as well.

    I think I will follow Glen's advice and come back to it in a couple months. Maybe practice with it on small areas until then and play around with angles and motions. If nothing else, it is great in certain areas.

  4. #13
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    except my advice could be wrong now

    If they are both full hollows then it is more likely a sharpness difference...

    That is the problem with the internet, hehehe we can't see or feel the blades, but heck we still do pretty good and have fun trying...

  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    except my advice could be wrong now

    If they are both full hollows then it is more likely a sharpness difference...

    That is the problem with the internet, hehehe we can't see or feel the blades, but heck we still do pretty good and have fun trying...
    Well, I tried again against the little stubble I grew since last night after honing 'er up. Still not quite as comfortable as the Frederick Reynolds. Ended up finishing with the F.R. tonight.

    I wish I had a honemeister living nearby, I would send it along to see if there is anything they can do with it. I actually hope that it is bad technique, as opposed to a honing issue, because I felt that I was getting pretty good at my honing.

    Anyway, here are some pics. Let me know if you think the F.R. is hollow. I still haven't quite grasped the Roman numerals on the Henckel's chart.

    The F.R.:

    The 401 Henckels "Platinum"

  6. #15
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I don't think there is any doubt its a hollow.

    Personally I don't do anything different with a 4/8s then what I do with a 7/8s as far as shaving goes. If its sharp its sharp. I have a 2/s but thats so small I can't grip it right but its not meant to shave more of a trim razor.
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  7. #16
    Senior Member DoughBoy68's Avatar
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    Well guys, since I replied to this post last I have worked on my JA Henckels some more. I have also acquired a Norton 4k/8k and a Chinese 12k since then and have used them on it and the results are the same; after 3 passes there is still stubble, face is irritated. I've done every thing with it that I've done with my other razors and more but I'm a bit disappointed in it. I have come to the conclusion that it is just too darn light for my beard. Only thing I can think of doing that might help is a heavier set of scales, maybe the celluloid are too light. What do you think?
    Last edited by DoughBoy68; 01-07-2010 at 12:57 AM.

  8. #17
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    Have you got a loupe or USB 'scope to inspect the edge? I have a frameback that did that, and it turned out to be due to microchipping of the edge. If you can't inspect the edge yourself, try sending it off to be honed by a honemeister - then you'll KNOW it's sharp, and can tell whether or not it's your use of the blade or the blade itself that's the issue.

  9. #18
    Hones/Honing/Master Barber avatar1999's Avatar
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    One thing that comes to mind just from reading your post is that MAYBE the Henckels didn't have as good an edge on it as the Reynolds.

    If the edge isn't good enough, 200 passes on a C12k won't make it shave better.

    Obviously I would have to look at the edge and try it to say for certain, but that's just off the top of my head.

    I've have small blades that shave MUCH better than BIG blades, etc. You really do have to try a lot to know for sure.

  10. #19
    Senior Member DoughBoy68's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info Tom, I really do need to get a scope of some kind for sure, it would help. Been aiming to but keep putting it off.

    I think it's so cool when a smaller blade will mow down those tough whiskers better than a big blade....

    The edge on the Reynolds was created by another member and the one on the Henckels was done by me with hones that were not really made for razors. I was hoping there might be something else I could do to fix the problem and I really didn't want to start over and redo my bevel but since I have the right stuff now it looks like that's the best thing to do. I have created the bevel on a couple of other razors with the stones I have now and they turned out great......that should have told me something.
    Thanks guys!
    Last edited by DoughBoy68; 01-07-2010 at 06:10 AM.

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