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  1. #1
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    Default not "shave ready" filly 13 dople temple

    so im messing around with my filly today, totally not shave ready, i mean it literally cant shave a single hair. so im jus messing with it trying a hanging hair test, just to see how it is. the hair obviously wasnt able to fall on the blade and cut, so i was lighlt swiping the blade against the hair to see if it would cut. after about 5 or so swipes i hear a loud "slice" sound. look down and see my left index finger nail s halfway sliced off and im bleeding like hell, almost took the entire nail off, very deep into the skin. had i sliced just a little more to the left, i would have sliced the tip of my finger real nice. my lesson learned? even a quote on quote not shave ready razor will slice the hell out of you. learned to respect my razor today.

  2. #2
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    you sound a lot like me, always learning the hard way.

  3. #3
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    The HHT test is a bit over rated. The shave test is the real test. My hair is thin and light, so the HHT test doesn't work well on it. I simply stretch the hair between two fingers and see how easily the blade cuts it. If it cuts easily, then it is ready. If the hair pulls a little then cuts, then it needs to be stropped some more.

    These days and with my experience, I can just lightly touch the blade and know if it is sharp enough to give a good shave.

    Another technique is to shave a little of the hair off your arm. You should be able to easily pop a few hairs off. This is a good sign if its sharp enough to shave. If it works a little too hard to pop the hairs, then get stropping again.

    Also, a good face prep and shaving technique can compensate for a slightly dull blade.

    Starting out, I also got cut when I thought my blade was dull. Although slightly dull, it still cut me due my carelessness and a lack of respect. I think it happens to everyone.

    Welcome to SRP!


  4. #4
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    yeah, when it comes to me, im always learning the hard way. after taking bandaids off to disinfect and put gauze i noticed along with the nail i even cut off a chunk of meat of my finger tip, all this from a razor thats not shave ready. i tried shaving hairs on my arm and NOTHING, its def not shave ready. but damn sure ready for anythig else, obviously.

  5. #5
    Member Labhoncho's Avatar
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    You have a fine razor. It is made of excellent steel and will hold a good edge for quite a while. I keep mine sharp with a few strokes on a Belgian hone followed by a few strokes on the linen side of an old strop that has been rubbed with green paste(chromium oxide). Filly's provide a great shave so be patient and if necessary have it professionally honed if you can't create a shave ready edge.

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