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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default How to Shave Under Your Nose

    I have suggested the following method, several times this past year, in other threads and thought it might be a good time to put it here for those starting out.

    One of the more common problems experienced by noobe's is shaving under the nose and below the lower lip. I discovered a long time ago that there was a very simple and safe way to shave these areas without much effort at all.

    The idea of shaving both WTG and XTG on the upper lip, known as Coup de Matier' and Coup de Bafoon respectfully, has been scarey for most. The thought of moving the blade upward into the nose without cutting yourself just seems impossible.

    Well, here is my solution that works perfectly for me. Maybe it will for you too.

    It dawned on me one day that we check the sharpness of our razor two ways. One is to do a HHT where we move a hair across a stationary blade, and the other is the shave test where we move the blade across a stationaly beard.

    What if we were to use a similar method to do under our nose? Now we all can do the ATG pass under the nose without a hitch. Next time, take your razors edge facing up and lay it just against the top of your lip, at maybe a 5 degree angle with some flattening pressure on it. Now hold the blade absolutly still and move your upper lip down across it. Voila.... the distance you move the lip is the amount of beard that is shaved. If you can't shave all the way to your nose, move the blade up and do it again. When you get to your nose, just stop moving your upper lip down.

    This will give you a bbs shave every time and without cutting anything. You can do this all the way across your upper lip and you can turn the blade around and do the same thing to the lower lip along the edge.

    Eventually, you will be able to do this fairly quickly and will never look back.

    Let me know how it works.



  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to rayman For This Useful Post:

    Chopkins (12-24-2009), CRR (12-21-2009), livingontheedge (12-22-2009)

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