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Thread: Holding an edge...
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12-15-2005, 02:56 AM #1
Holding an edge...
There are similar threads active, but I wanted to ask this: How many of you guys feel your razor dulls with just one shave? I don't do the three-razor thing, nor do I strop between passes. I can't get past that old adage of breaking off the fins you've just created. I like to let a razor sit a couple days after use, then strop before shaving with it again. The first shave after a honing is great, but even letting it "rest" and stropping the hell out of it next time, there is a marked degradation of the shave quality. This is more pronounced in some razors over others, but I have yet to find one that is strong enough at the edge to stand up like some claims I read. I have a somewhat strong beard, especially in the chin area, but I'm no lumberjack. I read of guys getting a "Lynn-honed" razor, and with nothing but stropping they say it shaves great for months. I can't see it. I find that I need a touch up on the finer stones followed by paste after around 5 shaves on average. At this point it starts to get uncomfortable. I can hone a razor, scope it to make sure there are no nicks or fins that I missed, and after one shave the scope shows a totally different edge. When I haven't honed any of my regular rotation for awhile, I don't notice it as much (as they are all degrading), but when I hone one, shave with it, and then move on the next day to a razor that I haven't honed in several shaves , THAT'S when it is apparent. Am I alone here? Am I missing something or is my beard just that wiry? Is my honing technique lacking? >........Jeff