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  1. #1
    Member dmtaucher's Avatar
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    Smile Helping another to convert

    Just a quick thought that I would like to share. I hope this is the place for it.
    My brother in law mentioned that he started to DE shave about a month or two ago, and thought the idea of SR shaving might be interesting. I have been SR shaving for a year now and enjoying every minuet of it, so I told him that if he was serious about it that I would give him a razor and a strop for him to try and see if he likes it as much as DE shaving hopefully more. Then my generous side told him that if he liked it that the razor would be his to keep with the strop for a start, then all other acquisitions would be on him. I hope he likes the shaving experience and we all will have a new member.

  2. #2
    Member knifenutnky's Avatar
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    I recently helped a friend convert. He mentioned he wanted a DE and then was going to make the jump to straights. I had a magic razor that used DE blades that I let him use to see if he liked the act of straigght shaving. I went over with him how to make lather, what passes to make, listed what I thought was the most useful videos on youtube ( for anyone wondering they were by Jockeys and Lynn ), and lastly to read this forum exclusively!! After he liked using the magic razor I loaned him my DOVO. Couple weeks Later he bought a razor from the classifieds here. I honed it to tree top arm hairs and gave him some stropping lessons. He has been a loyal straight shaver for a little over a month now. Even he has already said it is addicting.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Muirtach's Avatar
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    I participated in Movember this last year and at the start of it I provided the leader of my team with his first straight and strop and the instructions on how to begin using it. After the month was over he is sold and loves it.

    I am also in the process of restoring a blade for my youngest brother for his christmas present. The belatedness is becasue my family will nto be getting together until next week to see each other.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Well, I'm not sure if it's taken yet, but my brother is a bit of an old fashioned guy, and he's currently out of work, so I thought I'd help him get a bit more traditional AND save some money with a straight setup. I gave him a full set--brush, soap, cream, strop and razor for Christmas, and I'm hoping to help him keep at's one of the few things we'll have in common, so fingers crossed!

    One thing I did was, I made sure that the software was stuff he could get locally for not too much--Van Der Hagen soap, The Body Shop and C.O. Bigelow creams.

  5. #5
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    I think I have a good friend of mine converted now that I gave him a good SR for Christmas as well as left him three others to "try out", a T.I. four sided strop, & Lynn's video. He's watched me shave & I watched him with his first shave. I know he's tried it a few more times on his own and he's stated several times that he loves the way that his face feels. We may soon have a new member...
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

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