Welcome aboard mate! It can be quite daunting feat but reality is it's simple once you get used to it. We've all nicked ourselves one point or another. I myself have done so because I got distracted. Don't get distracted. Part of straight razor ( SR ) shaving is being able to be in that zen-like zone where nothing else matter but you and your blade. Imagine you're eating the culinary masterpiece the missus cooked or that fine piece of double double burger at In N Out with animal style fries. The same thing applies. You don't rush with a meal and you should apply the same principle with shaving.

I started out by doing sideburns with the grain ( WTG )-North to South.

I don't typically do a "normal" pass if you will. Instead I employ short buffing strokes which has worked for me and I'm sticking to it. One thing to remember is the razor should glide smoothly over skin no pressure at all. So even if you make a mistake the repercussions won't be so severe.

Eventually you'll get used to it. Nevertheless, you should never get overconfident. When you lose respect for the razor, believe me when I say this, the blade will bite and it will sting. Cut out all distractions.

You'll find that you'll get one of the best and closest shaves. You will never go back to disposable, electric or what have you.

Best of luck