I would like to post, with some apprehension, a report of the shave I gave my oldest son over the Christmas holiday; you can view the video here: I hope the link works and that you can appreciate the difference between shaving yourself, vs shaving a family member in front of his wife and two small children! It was a fun experience and went well, even with lots of distractions from the kids. My wife videotaped it. The razor was a Joseph Rodgers half hollow with ivory scales, and proved a good match for his very tough beard. I did a good hot towel prep, followed by massaging in lather, another soak, then a second lather application. I only did two passes, with multiple strokes in some areas of difficulty. He showed a little apprehension and a good sense of humor! It is definitely harder than shaving yourself-the angles are quite different and you worry much more about cutting your client! There were no nicks in this shave and he was satisfied. I hope he converts to straight razor shaving. Please don't hesitate to give me feedback, please! I am always open to opportunities to learn, and would like to improve my techniqe. The razor was honed on an Escher and is far better than my shaving ability.

YouTube - Holiday Straight Razor Shave for Ramiro.MPG