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  1. #1
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    Default There is a God!!

    Well boys, if I die tomorrow I can go knowing that I'm of the few people I know who has officially shaved with a str8 razor. I got home and my Dovo Special 6/8 was waiting for me with the 3" red strap (Thank you Lynn from SRD). I got home and watched a couple youtube shaves again (I'm starting to feel like I know the guys shaving personally .... wonder what they're having for supper.... I'm hungry!!). I took a hot bath (that's right.... I'm a bath man. Longggggggg and Hottttttttt!!!) I got the equipment out and got to work. I learned something "immediately". I shouldn't have had the rough, course, tough 3 day growth to start with. Not sure what I thought it would be like but it didn't just "slice" through like I thought it would (I'm sure bad technique since the razor is supposed to be shave ready from Lynn). I had some areas that went smooth and nice and some didn't . I tried to maintain a 30° as best I could. I was originally only going to shave a couple inches but thought "what the heck". The only area I "chickened out" on was the very edge of my chin. Just didn't feel right each time I attempted it so I didn't push it. I saw that some of my shave was nice and close and actually BBS but some wasn't very good even though I could tell I had shaved it so I decided to make try XTG for another shave. WOW. What a difference it makes when you're not trying to cut through the Amazon Jungle on your first attempt!!! The 2nd shave the razor basically just glide nice and smooth through "MOST" of it. I ended up with a shave that "looks" nice and smooth and "most" of my face is bbs. My favorite part is that my confidence is 10 fold. I had one tiny nick (wasn't really sure it was a nick at first) on my chin. I could barely see the speck of blood. I wiped it away and never saw it again so it couldn't have been much. Now for the "post-shave" I splashed on cold water (did I mention well water with the weather the way it's been?). My pores snapped shut so fast that it drawed my toes up and caused a cramp lol. I splashed on some after shave and it wasn't too bad considering. I put on some Nivea Sensative Post Shave Balm and all is good. It's not burning or irritated although I can tell that I shaved. I'm so glad that all went so well considering it's my very first shave with something besides a Mach III. Like I said, at least it gives me confidence to know I " CAN" shave without killing myself.
    Well .... the journeys begun and now it's just a matter of practice and enjoying the ride. Thanks so much for all your help through you posts and encouragement. Woooooooo-Hoooooooo.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Congrats on breaking the ice. It gets better and better as you keep on.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  3. #3
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Well, just as I found out, its not all that bad. To paraphrase Mark Twain, "Rumors of my death by a str8 razor have been greatly exaggerated."

    Congratulations on your first str8 razor shave. Keep it up.
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  4. #4
    Senior Member wpfontenot's Avatar
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    Hones/Honing/Master Barber avatar1999's Avatar
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    Congrats! Sounds like you had a very good first shave. Just don't get to confident! That is a good way to end up cut

    If you haven't already, Witch Hazel is good to splash on after the cold water rinse. Will help soothe your skin a bit

    Also, make sure you soften your facial hair a good bit before shaving. Not sure how much you usually get being a bath man, but if you have hair conditioner, it wouldn't hurt to rub some across your face when you get in the tub. Splash hot water on your face and reapply conditioner if you need to. It will work wonders for your shaving experience! That and stretching the skin.

    Welcome, and good luck! Look forward to reading more of your posts

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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar1999 View Post
    If you haven't already, Witch Hazel is good to splash on after the cold water rinse. Will help soothe your skin a bit

    if you have hair conditioner, it wouldn't hurt to rub some across your face
    Great advise Avatar Thanks! Believe it or not I bought some Witch Hazel today and also some Noxema for a pre-shave and then left it at work. I couldn't believe it. I think the Noxema would have really helped to soften things up. The other thing I think I messed up is although I had a good lather going it seemed like it should have been wetter maybe. Live and Learn.

  7. #7
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Yes there is a God. In fact there are many
    Congrats on the first. good fun innit ?
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  8. #8
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Y'are a man now my son.


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    Senior Member claytor's Avatar
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    Awesome job! Glad to here such a positive first time. +1 on the beard prep. Really work the lather in and let it sit for a minute or two and then, if need be, reapply.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    Y'are a man now my son.

    Now thats a real switch X. I thought you might disown him for discovering God

    Great Job Kempster!!

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