About a year ago, I started my quest for a better shave. I went from an M3 to a DE. I've tried several combinations and settled on my definate favorite. I can take it WTG, XTG and get an excellent near BBS (I say near because there's always one tiny patch somewhere that gives the lightest whisker indication when stroking ATG) only when taking an ATG pass and a clean-up/blade buffing pass. My ATG pass meets my whiskers head on (as opposed to a slight angle), and I complete this pass with no irritation or nicks. So, bottom line, I know I can achieve BBS (or darn near), and I know I can go directly ATG.

On my quest for an even better shave, I decided to pursue straights a few months ago. I can shave WTG and XTG with ease, but I still don't feel the shave is close enough without an ATG pass. I've read many reports of folks getting a close shave without even doing an ATG pass, but I haven't figured that out for me. Problem is, my ATG passes still don't get nearly as close as I can get with my DE, and I just don't get it. My results are the same whether my razor is fresh in from a professional honemeister or I've been shaving with it for a while, so I don't think it's a sharpness issue. My stropping technique seems to be in line with everything I've seen and read. I've varied the angle from 30 degrees down to the spine almost on my skin.

Anyone have any thoughts on what the issue might be? Especially if you came from the DE world and have tips on making that transition.