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Thread: How many passes to BBS?

  1. #1
    Member mbrossar's Avatar
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    Default How many passes to BBS?

    After reading many threads and watching many videos, it appears that many folks can get a BBS (or what I call DFS+) in two passes (YMMV). I'm fairly new to straights. I have generally perfected DEs and can get a BBS shave in 3 passes (with some occasional touch ups). I've not achieved the same perfection with a straight, but it sounds like with the right prep and the right technique, it is achievable to get a BBS in 2 passes.

    In an attempt to level the playing field, my definition of a BBS (or DFS+) means no stubble (for the most part) when rubbing your hand ATG. I say for the most part because I always have one or two small patches somewhere with the slightest hint of stubble when rubbing it ATG. IMO, it's not worth the time and irritation to hunt every whisker down, but I do expect to get 99.9% of them.

    The reason I'm asking is I'm trying to set a goal for myself. I'm considering limiting my shaves to two passes only. Where I am not BBS, I take the task of perfecting my technique in that area to achieve it, but I have to wait until my next shave. I'm hoping this will give me propper focus to improve my technique and thus my shaves, but I want to feel comfortable that it is possible.


  2. #2
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default How Many Passes to BBS?

    Hello, Mbrossar:

    Some shavers achieve a BBS in one pass and some in four, or perhaps even more. No hard rule exists that I know of. Much will depend on the type of beard, the preparation and the shaver's level of experience.

    When I started shaving with a straight razor, I kept my initial focus on honing my preparation and razor technique rather than BBS.

    If I may suggest this: Keep your focus right now on the art and craft of good preparation and impeccable razor technique. They will eventually lead to BBS.


  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbrossar View Post
    In an attempt to level the playing field, my definition of a BBS (or DFS+) means no stubble (for the most part) when rubbing your hand ATG. I say for the most part because I always have one or two small patches somewhere with the slightest hint of stubble when rubbing it ATG. IMO, it's not worth the time and irritation to hunt every whisker down, but I do expect to get 99.9% of them.
    Going by your definition I can get a bbs with 2 passes 98% of the time .... with a truly sharp razor. I never have been able to do 3 passes without irritation so was limited to 2 whether with a DE or a straight. Now I've gotten to the point where I can get bbs with 1 pass 2/3 of the time. This is a recent development corresponding with the switch to cold water. I'm not sure if it is that, better shaving technique, or better honing. Could be a little of all three but that is my story and I am sticking to it ..... to coin a phrase.

    Just a point of clarification .... for me a pass isn't one swipe of the blade, it is more of a pass and repeat the pass and then move one. So in a way I'm doing more than one pass ... in one pass ... if that makes any sense ? Doesn't everybody ?
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    In the traditional sense, as far as professional barbering goes (according to the barber manuals I've read), a "pass" consists of one lathering and shave. It has nothing to do with how many shaving strokes done to perform the shave. In fact the manuals teach that shaving with a straight is done progressively with small, multiple, diagonal strokes.

    The first pass, or "once over" shave, done with the grain, using hot towels and lather.

    The "second time over," or 2nd pass, done with water only, is only used to catch any spots the first pass may have missed. This is usually done across the grain.

    Barbers were taught to not shave against the grain because of the potential for irritation and ingrown hairs which would be bad for business.
    Last edited by honedright; 03-11-2010 at 09:20 PM.

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  6. #5
    In search of a rising tide nightbreed's Avatar
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    I can go BBS in two passes with a perfect razor, but shaving is not something that's required for me jobvise so i usually just go one pass with the grain every second day and spare the BBS for the moments when there's a lady involved
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  7. #6
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    If you define a pass applying lather followed by shaving, then I regularly reach BBS in one pass. If, however, you define a pass as a single stroke of the razor across a specific area, then it takes me 2-3. I lather, shave using Natural Strokes (as many as feels right for the area), rinse, apply AS and I'm good to go.

  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    As I said before I will get irritation with whatever I shave with if I do a third pass. What I've discovered since I am only doing the one pass now is that my face feels better than it did when I was doing two. Not that two made it feel bad .... but there were days where I felt like I ought to skip a day but I never would because I didn't want to miss the shave. Now I never have that feeling that skipping a day might be good. The one pass + touch up is a lot easier on me.
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  9. #8
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    BBS for me involves:
    Cheeks - 3 passes
    Neck and chin - 4 passes
    Moustache area - 5 passes

    Touch ups may be required even then.

  10. #9
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    As I said before I will get irritation with whatever I shave with if I do a third pass. What I've discovered since I am only doing the one pass now is that my face feels better than it did when I was doing two. Not that two made it feel bad .... but there were days where I felt like I ought to skip a day but I never would because I didn't want to miss the shave. Now I never have that feeling that skipping a day might be good. The one pass + touch up is a lot easier on me.
    So are you achieving BBS shave status with one pass, or are you settling with DFS?

    I've been contemplating doing this... One pass with touch up could get me there more often than not.

  11. #10
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Face and neck: 3 passes
    Head: mostly 3 passes, except where I have a cowlick which can take as many as 10 passes. (I don't get skin irritation, so it's all good.)

    Passes for me consist of multiple strokes. Sometimes even multiples of multiples.
    Back when I was on the Mach III, I would go through a new blade for every shave.

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