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  1. #1
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Arrow Anatomy of a "Perfect" Shave - a Newbie point of view

    I am posting this (probably long) in the hopes of getting feedback from some of the experts and hopefully, convey to some of my newbie colleagues some of what I have learned (or learning) in my str8 razor shaving journey (going on 2 weeks or so).

    Here it goes.
    As a newbie to str8 shaving, I researched this topic quite extensively for some time (a few months), trying to learn the theory behind all aspects of str8 shaving. From my POV, even though achieving a BBS shave with a str8 is the goal, there are several key players that are behind the screen, which can make the shaving experience Nirvana or pure hell. These (whether adopted early on in our shaving life or later) include, but are not limited to:

    1. Technique
    2. Honing
    3. Stropping
    4. Beard prep (cremes, brush, etc...)
    5. Others that I can't think of right now

    As newbies, we are often excited to embark on a new adventure, any new adventure...I know I was. I never thought of wet shaving until I was ready to buy a can of goo to put on my face to glide a 5 blade Gillette FUSION over and get a razor burn. Something in me said that there must be a better, more enjoyable way to shave...that's a whole other story for another post.

    As newbies, we get so excited that we want to buy everything and anything along the way (at least there is a very strong urge...those who have it now or have had it at some point, you know who you are ). That is fine. if you got the $$, go for it and satisfy your urge. But, before doing anything, don't do anything.

    For me, after having satisfied these urges (reasonably so without breaking the bank), I knew there was a steep learning curve and made a true assessment of what it is that I can realistically achieve and started charting a course and strategy on how to best master the learning (minimize the slope if possible) in the minimal amount of time. Just like designing a scientific experiment, I needed to do the following to be able to monitor my improvement in technique:

    1. Establish a baseline control by which I can judge my progress
    2. Minimize my variables of shave and
    3. Stick to some basics

    POINT #1:
    Establish a base line control - For str8 shaving (or any wet shaving) to be a success, the primary ingredient you need is a "SHAVE READY" str8 razor...doesn't matter whether it's green, blue, big, just needs to be "SHAVE READY". This is the key operating word. It doesn't mean that you buy a blade and take it to the hone or for that matter, to your face, right away. Shave Ready means that someone (preferably a HoneMeister) has given it his blessing (think of it as a religious are not entitled to determine this, only the high priest. YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED, yet).

    POINT #2:
    Minimize the # of variables - Let's face it, after we have purchased all the razors that our tax $$ can buy, the first thing we want to do is try every single one in rotation on various days. Keep in mind that every blade requires its own level of mastery (all you gotta do is search this forum and you will get the point from mentors, senior members and others who have been around the block a few more times than us)...Each will require its own specific handling technique to be effective.

    DON'T BE TOO BOLD. I know it'll be hard (it was for me), but pick one razor and stick with it for the duration of the experiment (a few months, at least). Once blade will let you master the technique faster that rotating numerous blades at random.

    Same principle applies to your creme, brush, and even pre- and post-shave preparation and techniques. Keep all these constant for a few months (if you can). This is important because you need to be able to score your improvement over time and if you have too many variables in the experiment and your shave suffers (or improves for that matter), you will not know if it's due to technique or material.

    POINT #3:
    Stick to the basics - Trust the masters...they have been around the block more than we have. Don't take that str8 to the hone without having some understanding of what it is that you are doing...Get an eBay razor to practice on. This is what I am doing to see what the heck a bevel looks like, what is the effect of taping the spine, what about stone grits etc...

    The ultimate, elusive BBS shave will only come when we have mastered all these techniques (some sooner than others), like Lynn, Don and many others on this forum. We (the newbies), who are about to shave, salute you.

    Happy shaving,

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to BladeRunner001 For This Useful Post:

    Blazinrazor (05-02-2010), DwarvenChef (04-23-2010), hi_bud_gl (05-01-2010), Lynn (04-23-2010), Otto (04-23-2010)

  3. #2
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    If every beginner was like you, there would be many more successful beginners out there. Thanks a lot for this post!

    One small remark if I may: Do not get on, but two razors. And keep the second one (something for USD 30 from the Classifieds will do nicely!) as a benchmark. Mind you, I have one of these, too, just in case

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to BeBerlin For This Useful Post:

    BladeRunner001 (04-23-2010)

  5. #3
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    Outstanding post

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to DwarvenChef For This Useful Post:

    BladeRunner001 (04-23-2010)

  7. #4
    Senior Member Deryan's Avatar
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    Excellent post of advice

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Deryan For This Useful Post:

    BladeRunner001 (04-23-2010)

  9. #5
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Great post, thanks for sharing!

    I would just like to echo Robins comments of having a second razor, thats definately good advice and it means that you can use that one if you send the first off to be honed..!

    It sounds like you have really done your homework and are taking all the information and advice into consideration, which is really great! This will definately help you get the most out of your shaving, so congrats..!

    Thanks again for the post, its a really good one for new guys to read!

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Stubear For This Useful Post:

    BladeRunner001 (04-23-2010)

  11. #6
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    A very thoughtful and thought-provoking analysis of becoming a proficient str8 razor shaver.

    Perhaps your discussion & analysis of this process could be included in the SRP wiki as a brief instructional manual for beginners.

    Just a thought...
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to jhenry For This Useful Post:

    BladeRunner001 (04-23-2010)

  13. #7
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Anatomy of a "Perfect" Shave . . .

    My dear Robert:

    Thank you for your comprehensive and educational post. All is said with much enthusiasm and dedication. I like the way you think and present your thoughts. Well done, sir.


  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Obie For This Useful Post:

    BladeRunner001 (04-23-2010)

  15. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeBerlin View Post
    If every beginner was like you, there would be many more successful beginners out there. Thanks a lot for this post!

    +1 Exactly...

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    BladeRunner001 (04-23-2010)

  17. #9
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeBerlin View Post
    If every beginner was like you, there would be many more successful beginners out there. Thanks a lot for this post!

    One small remark if I may: Do not get on, but two razors. And keep the second one (something for USD 30 from the Classifieds will do nicely!) as a benchmark. Mind you, I have one of these, too, just in case

    Absolutely agreed...thank you


  18. #10
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jhenry View Post

    A very thoughtful and thought-provoking analysis of becoming a proficient str8 razor shaver.

    Perhaps your discussion & analysis of this process could be included in the SRP wiki as a brief instructional manual for beginners.

    Just a thought...
    Thank you Henry...especially for the suggestion of putting this in the Wiki. That is an honor, but I think the Wiki section, in my opinion, is like the "bible" of shaving. It should be written by Gurus such as you, BeBerlin, Lynn and others who have had many years of experience with this "art of wet shaving" (AOWS). The rest of us (especially newbies) should learn. I am still learning, but I don't think I belong to that category...working on it though . I'll consider it though if there's enough demand or push from people. Thank you for the suggestion.


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