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Thread: Scrambled Eggs

  1. #1
    Senior Member Alembic's Avatar
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    Default Scrambled Eggs

    I learned something very valuable this morning during my experimentation with returning to the basics of straight razor shaving.

    When I was learning to cook and trying to perfect my scrambled egg recipe, I did not get it right until a chef told me "If the eggs are cooked in the pan, they will be over-cooked on the plate". I'm sure you have seen tough scrambled eggs sitting in a pool of water. These were done in the pan, and then carry over cooking ruined them on the plate. So you need to know when to stop cooking, because the eggs were going to change following the cooking process.

    So applying this to straight razor shaving, I have been trying to get an absolute BBS while shaving. No whisker or stubble on my face was safe from my gleaning. But in today's experiment, I did not do what I refer to as my polishing pass. And to my surprise, I have a BBS shave with none of the discomfort, no razor burn, and, I'm pretty sure I can do this again tomorrow. So the point here for me is "BBS during the shave means I've over shaved". When the skin and whiskers shrink back down, the real shave is reavealed. So stopping sooner than I had been gives a great BBS shave and none of the side effects. This is the key for me. I only have a sample of 1, but I think it will be repeatable.

    I am sure the seniors have learned this, but it was an awakening for me.



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    Desdinova (05-03-2010), elbonator (05-09-2010), LarryP (05-11-2010), Lazarus (05-09-2010), MRBOBIG (05-21-2010), Mvcrash (05-11-2010)

  3. #2
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    Not sure if this applies to everyone, but it's also the case for me.
    Experience tells me when to stop. If I take it far as BBS when I shave, ingrowns follow! I enjoy the shave a lot more now I know when enough is enough.
    As an added bonus, you can shave again that little bit sooner!

    P.S. I also cook seriously good scrambled eggs, though I do say so myself.

  4. #3
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    I think that when we start to shave ,we try so hard to reach the ideal BBS shave that we do in a sense "overshave" as you say-in other words pay so much attention to each area and whiskar that we go on shaving even when we have already passed the post.This ,for me,has resulted in sore overshaved skin especially in the chin area. Your also right about the beard shrinking down into the skin afterwards.(ref your scrambled eggs theory).
    I have started to ease back on the amount of shaving i do.I have started to leave a day between each shave and as a result ,my skin is much more comfortable.I concentrate on doing less strokes but try to make each one as effective as i can.
    I think you are really onto something here-"Less really is more"
    Btw-your scrambled eggs sounds delicious!!
    Thanks again

  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    I agree with everything you've said and I experience the same thing though a perfect BBS every shave is not an ideal I desire to achieve.

    You got me on your title; I was hoping I'd pull up some great pics of some great scrambled egg recipes! Scrambled eggs from farm fresh eggs are so good.

    Chris L
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
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  6. #5
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    Starting out, I just wanted to achieve BBS on certain parts of the face. Once I become proficient at achieving a great BBS shave consistently in all areas, it become addictive and still is.

    Now its just a matter of how long does it takes to get it, 10 or 15 minutes.


  7. #6
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    Great observation that doesn't get articulated as much as maybe it should.

    Also, I love perfectly scrambled eggs, those creamy curds that barely hold their shape.


  8. #7
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    I've noticed this phenomenon as well. You've got one of those spots where you just give up trying to get every hair but after the cleanup and aftershave is applied, you're BBS...weird.

  9. #8
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Great analogy. I never thought of it that way but certainly agree. I have come to know the "over cooked" issue when I put on after shave and it burns like heck.
    If I leave off the "clean up" I get a good shave and no burn.
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  11. #9
    Senior Member LarryP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alembic View Post
    So the point here for me is "BBS during the shave means I've over shaved". When the skin and whiskers shrink back down, the real shave is reavealed. So stopping sooner than I had been gives a great BBS shave and none of the side effects.
    I had that very same revelation with yesterday's shave! The light bulb clicked on, and I had a BBS shave and no razor burn. Heck, my alum block & AS didn't even give me any 'feedback'!

  12. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I guess I've been doing this long enough now that I do my usual routine and depending on the razor I'm using I go by the feel and sounds and after I'm done low and behold my face is smooth. My neck is another story though. But with that I know when to quit and not go further.
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