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Thread: straight vs. DE

  1. #1
    Member m147's Avatar
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    Default straight vs. DE

    It's funny, or maybe it's not ...
    but it seems more often than not I cut myself much more using a DE than with a straight. I don't know what it is, but it seems it's possibly the angle at which I use the DE, the last shave I had left a whole bunch of little blood spots on the underside of my chin, so it seems it could be tearing the hairs out rather than slicing them. Most of the time I seem to nick myself with DE but rarely so anymore with the straight.

  2. #2
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    Straights are simply better once you get the hang of it. The technique is somewhat different from using a DE.

  3. #3
    Member garciagj's Avatar
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    I also think it's definitely the different technique involved, and perhaps the steel quality and sharpness as well...

  4. #4
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Straight vs. DE


    I use both straight razors and double edge. Each requires a different shaving technique. Both call for extreme care. I am, therefore, humble before each — and that's why I rarely nick myself.


  5. #5
    Senior Member leadduck's Avatar
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    I haven't used a DE in at least 30 years. All this talk of nicks and cuts is making me nostalgic. My straight seldom bites me anymore.

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obie View Post

    I use both straight razors and double edge. Each requires a different shaving technique. Both call for extreme care. I am, therefore, humble before each — and that's why I rarely nick myself.

    Uh-oh Obie you shouldn't have said that. You know what's going to happen the next time you shave.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  8. #7
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Straight vs. DE

    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Uh-oh Obie you shouldn't have said that. You know what's going to happen the next time you shave.
    My dear thebigspendur:

    Oh, dear, dear, I know what you mean. I should bite my tongue. Tomorrow morning I will be extra cautious, by Jove, and hope I don't perform surgery on my Hollywood face.

    Let me see: on tomorrow's razor menu we have the pleasure of the Filarmonica 13, Semogue silver tip, Trumpe's rose cream and Taylor of Old Bond Street No. 74 Victoria Lime aftershave. Life is sweet. But . . .

    Then the dearly beloved strongly recommends I dust the ceiling fans in the condo. For heaven's sake, that's peasant work, and I am a gentleman.

    Stay well, my good man.


  9. #8
    Robert Williams Custom Razors PapaBull's Avatar
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    I get a much better shave with a straight than a DE. And I've tried a lot of different blades because my curiosity made me check just about everything out. I can shave quite well with a DE and an ultralight touch and get a close shave and very little, if any red polka dots. But if I try to get a shave as close as I get with my straight, I'll be using the powder, styptic pencil, alum block and maybe some tiny wads of tissue as sure as I'm typing this. For the closest, smoothest and nick free shaving, nothing beats a very high quality straight razor for me.

  10. #9
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PapaBull View Post
    I get a much better shave with a straight than a DE. And I've tried a lot of different blades because my curiosity made me check just about everything out. I can shave quite well with a DE and an ultralight touch and get a close shave and very little, if any red polka dots. But if I try to get a shave as close as I get with my straight, I'll be using the powder, styptic pencil, alum block and maybe some tiny wads of tissue as sure as I'm typing this. For the closest, smoothest and nick free shaving, nothing beats a very high quality straight razor for me.
    Absolutely +1 in every particular. It's a combination of constant edge maintenance + total angle control IMHO (+ for me, a respect for the tool, DE's just don't cut it on that score for me).

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obie View Post

    I use both straight razors and double edge. Each requires a different shaving technique. Both call for extreme care. I am, therefore, humble before each — and that's why I rarely nick myself.

    I agree. I have found that i was starting to shave too fast with my DE. Almost as though i was reverting back to how i would shave with a Mach 8900. This caused irritation, razor bumps, and slight nicks. I have since slowed my shaving, adjusted my technique, and have been getting much more enjoyable shaves.

    I still find that i get a better shave with a straight but the DE is still in my rotation.


  12. The Following User Says Thank You to D.Sweet For This Useful Post:

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