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  1. #1
    Senior Member gandrw's Avatar
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    Default My second shave. Almost killed me.

    Got your attention with the head line didn't I, Maybe I should work for the local news.
    I should apologize in advance for the extra long post. I was't sure where to post this but here it is. (the moderators can always move it if it belongs somewhere els) Any way Oh yeah my second shave Right here it is.

    My second shave was today and it went pretty darn good, almost no razor burn and no nicks at all. I'm keeping a gouty till I'm real comfortable with a straight.
    The part that almost killed me was getting out that stupid disposable to hit the areas I had trouble with. Thats when I got the most razor burn and a nick.

    But something truly amazing also happened while I was shaving, I mentioned to my wife that some of the guys here shave there wife's legs for them and that once I get real good maybe I could shave her legs, get some rose scented soap and all that. She liked the sound of that.( Up till now she has been less than enthusiastic about my new interest )
    Then she really shocked me and said maybe she would try out my Rolls Razor.

    So here are some pics the first is the before and after of the restoration and customization of the first razor I bought A Wester Brothers Anchor Brand. my fist shave was with it.

    And the next one is before and after of my second razor A Wade and Butcher. I will be leaving this one as a rustic. Thats the one I shaved with today. It could fit in Onimaru55's post The Rustiques (btw there is a little oil on the blade I forgot to wipe it off for the pic)

    The Scuttle is one that for me could fit in the post about what you would consider Priceless in your collection. It's an old mug from nestle' hot chocolate, My Grandma had two of them and they where my favorite mugs. I got both after she past away and are among the few things I have from here house. So now every time I shave I think of fond memories of time with her.
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  2. #2
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I moved this one to the Shaving with Straight Razors forum.

    It sounds like you're off to a good start and have some great kit to play with..! Congrats! I always find disposables give a far worse shave, and razor burn. Horrible things..!

    Well done for getting SWMBO interested as well! We have a growing number of ladies here, and a dedicated ladies only forum, so if she wants to join she will be in good company...!

    Good luck and keep us posted!

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Stubear For This Useful Post:

    commiecat (05-14-2010), gandrw (05-14-2010)

  4. #3
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Second Shave . . .

    Hello, gandrw:

    You're successful on all points. Congratulations. The fun is just beginning. By the way, I like that mug.


  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Obie For This Useful Post:

    gandrw (05-14-2010)

  6. #4
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    "Almost killed me" ~~ Yeah right

    Sounds like things are rolling along quite smoothly bar the disposable incident.

    Good work getting the W&B up & running. Looked pretty sad before. It's welcome in the "Rustiques" ... if you left some patina on it
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to onimaru55 For This Useful Post:

    gandrw (05-14-2010)

  8. #5
    Senior Member gandrw's Avatar
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    Stubear thanks for potting me in my place.
    (I mean moving the thread where it should be)
    Don't want to scare any other beginners with the title I guess.

  9. #6
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    Hey, I remember those mugs! My Grandma got me one of those too. Thankfully she is still with us, and I'll bet if I go to my Grandparents' house tomorrow I could find it..... Hmmmm.....

    Oh, and nice razors

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Ryan82 For This Useful Post:

    gandrw (05-15-2010)

  11. #7
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    That looks like my first brush; synthetic bristles from The Body Shop.

    If that's what you have then I'd definitely suggest getting a badger or boar hair brush at some point. I felt a huge difference when I first got my badger brush.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to commiecat For This Useful Post:

    gandrw (05-15-2010)

  13. #8
    Senior Member gandrw's Avatar
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    I do wood turing and plan on buying a few badger or boar nots and making some handles for them.
    BTW you are right it's the Body shop brush My sister in law sold the stuff for a while and her and my brother turned me on to using the shaving stuff that comes in a tub and the brush. I mix it with some shaving soap I picked up at meijer and some bar form gliseren soap Some times I put a dash of olive oil in to. Tight budget right now but I look forward to getting some sample sizes of the SRD soaps and some from Carrie M.

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to gandrw For This Useful Post:

    commiecat (05-15-2010)

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