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  1. #1
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    Default Wedge guys enlighten me....

    I've got a number of old wedges....all shave ready as examined through 60x magnification. Regardless, I can never get a comfortable shave out of any of them no matter what I do. Sure, it's close, but never comfortable. If I pick up just about any hollow grind, it's a completely different story. I know how to shave, it's always a problem with these wedges. The only thing that I can think of that makes them uncomfortable is that since I can't hear the sound of the razor, I end up pushing harder on them...or do some faces just not like them?

  2. #2
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    Hey, I dont think I could be of any help to you, its just I have couple of wedge razors i just purchased and now I'm thinking that it was a bad move on my side. Will be looking forward to some positive replies.


  3. #3
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    I know the pressure issue first hand I did the same thing. Another issue popping up from the sound i that you may come in at a steaper angle, to hear it cut.

    I get the best result with the blade almost flat across the skin, it taks a bit of practice keeping it from glueing it self to your face I find I like the heavy blades more than the light ones... And while I don't think I have a singing razor I'm pretty sure I don't want one that flexible I have a few that wiggle enough thankyou...

  4. #4
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Wedges need some more work before shave ready. I had similar problems with my W&B, so i just kept on honing little further. Once i had it done it has been a very good shaver.
    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
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  5. #5
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    Default Wedges

    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    Wedges need some more work before shave ready. I had similar problems with my W&B, so i just kept on honing little further. Once i had it done it has been a very good shaver.
    Right on ! Have quite a few wedges and most of them needed a lot of metal removed to set the bevel! For me , shaving with more angle with the wedges works better. Some of my best shavers!


  6. #6
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    I also find that the stiffer, heavier grinds require a much more delicate touch. Some of the wedges I have will put too much pressure into the shave if I let the weight of the blade do the work. I actually have to "lighten" them up by holding them back somewhat.


  7. #7
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    For me, the heavier grinds are just less forgiving. I don't have a true wedge in my rotation, but still, once I get near 1/4 or near wedge I need to really lighten the pressure and shallow up the angle (as Rob said). I think there's a little flex in the edge of the hollow razors and that's the difference. But that's just a guess.

  8. #8
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    Assuming that your wedge is truly shave ready I'd say it could also be a stropping issue. I've had similar problems with wedge blades, so I experimented with my stropping techniques and it seemed to help greatly.

    What I do is increase the number of laps on linen for sure, but usually leather as well. If it's a blade with a smile, which a lot of the old wedges are, try stropping with a bit of slack.

    Try this before hitting the hones again.

  9. #9
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    In my experience:
    I have tried Wedges (1/4 Hollow -Full), I have honed and shaved 1000;s of them, I have had just as many people tell me those same razors shaved great, smooth as silk..
    But for me personally they just don't agree with my face, yes I can get a great shave with them, yes they plow right through the beard, some are even exceptional shavers, but I still prefer, and own, all hollows... Doesn't mean anything is wrong with wedges, or even that I think hollows are better...

    It just means that out of all the choices that are available, I happen to choose Hollows as mine... they just feel better to my face

  10. #10
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    Glen brings up a good point, one that the OP eluded to: maybe a wedge just isn't for your face/skin type. I only have one now, and although it is a good shaver it isn't my favorite by any means. But it will still always be a part of my rotation. YMMV....

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