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  1. #1
    Member KingOfBreifne's Avatar
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    Default FIRST & FINAL Cold Water Shave

    Hey, guys.

    I've read a lot here about you guys who do cold water shaves, so I thought I'd give it a try.

    I normally shave using a Georgetown Pottery scuttle that keeps my lather nice and warm. I always shave after a warm shower.

    So, this time I rinsed my face several times with cold water, didn't put any water in the bottom of the scuttle, and just "uberlathered" like always. Have to say...I wasn't impressed. It actually hurt a little bit as the razor was going through all the whiskers -- not in an irritation sense, but I could really feel that the whiskers weren't soft like they are with warm water and warm lather.

    The results are fine, but no better than my hot water shaves. I know some of you guys have great success and really enjoy this technique, but it doesn't work well for me. I guess my whiskers are just too stiff and wiry, maybe.

    So, this was my first and last cold water shave.

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  2. #2
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    You gave it a try and its not for everyone. You have found what works well for you. I enjoy a cold water shave during those hot summer days and find it refreshing, but not during the winter (except for the final rinse)brrr!


  3. #3
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    As they say, to each his own. My results were on par (perhaps better?) with my best hot water shaves, so I can't complain personally. Although the hot water shaves do feel somewhat more luxurious.

  4. #4
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I still love using my scuttle and having warm suds too.

    But, I love a nice cold water splash after the shave..........

    Have fun,


  5. #5
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Just coming into winter here & tried the cold process... Might save it for summer
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Being new to this I am open to experimentation to see what works. I've tried the cold water shave; haven't decided yet whether or not I like it. What I DO love is to get a couple of ice cubes from the dispenser after the rinse and just rub my freshly-shaved face with them. Very refreshing, especially after a menthol shave!
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutHikerDad View Post
    Being new to this I am open to experimentation to see what works. I've tried the cold water shave; haven't decided yet whether or not I like it. What I DO love is to get a couple of ice cubes from the dispenser after the rinse and just rub my freshly-shaved face with them. Very refreshing, especially after a menthol shave!
    That ice cube idea sounds great! I'll have to try that on one of the stifling days this summer.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    TBH my very first cold water shave was not convincing. It left me undecided but the second one confirmed the concept for me and I can honestly say that I have not shaved with hot water since. This from a lover of the Moss scuttle who always did two passes even if I didn't need to so that I could enjoy the warm lather.

    The thought of cold water and lather is a bit off putting until you try it a couple of times IME. Rather than being uncomfortable I was surprised at how refreshing it felt. I do believe the stiffer whiskers are easier to cut and, although I hadn't thought of it before reading posts on the topic, the pores closing because of the cold water probably add to the efficacy of the cold water shave.

    BTW, I'm not on a crusade to advance cold water shaving. Lucky Cynic posted a 1905 pamphlet on shaving and I read it and followed it. I don't care what anyone uses to get a clean shave but I am hooked on the cold water myself. Like the old Camel Filters ad used to say, "not for everybody". The important thing is to enjoy the shave however we get it done.
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  9. #9
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    At first I loved the cold water shave, it worked great. Soon after the hairs were hard to cut in cold water and it seemed the shave wouldn't last as long, so I went back to warm water, which worked really well again. The other night I had a cold water shave and it was great, the next shave with cold water was horrible.

    I then used hot water and get a really nice shave....

    I think our skin may just like to have things changed up every once and a while..

  10. #10
    Member KingOfBreifne's Avatar
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    Yep...every face is different.

    Mine hated the cold water approach, much to my chagrin. I'd love to be able to utilize that method during these hot & humid months, but there's just no way.

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