My Friends-

I did something for myself today- color me selfish

for 6+ months I have been running hot tap water onto a brush and then later into, around and inside my GT scuttle and while its been better than nothing it wasn't really hot.

I have searched and thought about one of the lathering machines but in the end knew it was really a wasteful thing for me. A barber I ain't and the volume a machine yields for the time, space etc just didn't feel right.

So.........I installed a instant hot water tank thing made by Insinkerator and now I have on tap water at 190 degrees-
Holy smokes guys it really works well with a scuttle.
and even just to heat/soak the brush and hit the creme was so much better than what I had before its not even funny.
I would not risk it for just wetting a blade- too hot