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  1. #11
    Senior Member Dllandry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    oh come on, just pop open the seal of the next package and keep on shaving

    and btw honing ducks doesn't count as honing - that can be done with the left foot while scoring goals against brazil with the right foot - ask maximus about that
    It wasnt one of the ducks, I have been practicing on a razor I got at the flea market.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Dllandry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    Actually, the moral of the story is to keep your blade out of the sink entirely. I know lots of people have different methods of clearing lather off the spine but mine is the safest, in my opinion. I wipe the blade off between my thumb and forefinger and then rinse my fingers. I've never had to do any repair on my fingers from accidentally hitting them against the sink.

    While I feel your pain, realize that you got off lucky. Apparently it was a straight shot that simply compressed the very edge. It didn't bend it and better yet, it didn't crack it.

    Now to fix it, I'd recommend back honing first until you no longer feel any resistance as you slide your finger from spine to edge. That is, on the hone you will do the same concept as what stropping is presumed to do--straightening the edge. After that, then you need to simply reset the bevel until the damaged area is gone. This should be a relatively easy fix. Like I said, you got off lucky.
    Yes Sir,

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  3. #13
    Senior Member sffone's Avatar
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    Don't feel too bad. I think, eventually, every straight-razor user does something similar. I know I have. And, sadly, I've done it more than once over the years. You get so comfortable doing something that it becomes routine, then one day your mind wanders a bit, and the next thing you know you've banged up the edge of your razor, or nicked your strop, or cut yourself.

  4. #14
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dllandry View Post
    It wasnt one of the ducks, I have been practicing on a razor I got at the flea market.
    At least you'll be more aware in future & it may have saved you damaging a more valuable blade. Get it back on the hones & strive to get it a little better than it was before.

  5. #15
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    In more than a few threads I read the recommendation to wipe the lather off the blade on a microfiber towel rather than rinse under the tap. This is what professional barbers who shave their customers do; they don't rinse their straight razors off with water during a shave.

    I purchased 40 microfiber towels for $14.99 at BJ's (Costco, Price Club & Sam's Club will have similar deals). I use one towel per shave and just toss them in the laundry basket for the next time I wash towels. At the end of my shave, I carefully rinse all the lather from the blade before wiping it dry & oiling it for storage. I feel so much better now that my razor no longer approaches the faucet each time I take a stroke on my face.
    Morty -_-

  6. #16
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    That's a shame...My heart goes out to you and your razor.

    I rinse my blade frequently by rinsing it under the bathroom sink tap, but I am VERY careful when doing so and NEVER taking my eyes off of it. I also forgo trying to remove all of the soap/cream from it under the tap and followup the rinse with a quick wipe on a barber's utility towel hanging in my bathroom.
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  7. #17
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    I don't rinse my razor during shaving now. I keep a small hand towel over one shoulder and wipe the lather off after each pass. My motivation was not to avoid the taps, but to keep my hand dry and my grip more secure. I turn the towel end for end so I always have dry spots to wipe foam onto.

    I've been shaved by a barber who used a largish paper towel that sat on my chest for this purpose. Wiping the blade was just a quick flick at the end of each stroke for him. I think he clipped the paper to the ends of a light chain that went behind my neck for this purpose. The paper towel went into the wastebasket after each shave.


  8. #18
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    There is a huge attraction between the razor and any objuct that will cause traumatic damage to it and as the degree of damage goes up the ratio of the degree of energy needed to cause increasing damage goes down. When you take the eyeball off the razor this attraction becomes unstoppable. This is a well known scientific fact.
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  9. #19
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Feels like wasted time


    I, too, use microfiber cloth to wipe off the lather during the shave. It's a safe way to go. Still, under no circumstances, do I ever take my eyes off where the blade is when not on my Hollywood face. As you know, the straight razor is sassy and has a mind of its own.


  10. #20
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    Check out Chimensch's 30 year shave video..

    He wipes his blade on a sponge... It's a great idea, and has become part of my routine because it's utterly safe!
    Last edited by BlacknTan; 06-12-2010 at 11:18 PM. Reason: added link

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