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  1. #1
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Default Trying to get a "leg up"

    Greetings everybody.

    I recently recieved a request to shave the legs of a lady friend of mine.

    I know this is common place, but this is not quite the norm.
    This friend suffers from MS, and can no longer take care of this once simple task on her own. She loves the idea of my doing it with a st8, but she can not hold a sitting position for an extended length of time.
    Does anybody have any words of wisdom for how this might best be handled with my lady friend laying on her back? (this is the position she is most comfortable with for long periods)
    I can raise her legs somewhat, but I am concerned with the "blind shave" of underneath. Helpful hints anybody?

  2. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Can she roll over so that the underneath can be the above?

  3. #3
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    Not long before my late fianceé died, she asked me to shave her legs. She was quadriplegic from an inoperable brain tumor and unable to sit up unassisted. While I used a regular cartridge razor to shave her with back then, I'm confident that it would have been equally easy to have used a straight razor without cutting her, given my current level of experience shaving myself today.

    Bend each leg at the knee as much as you need to while your friend is lying on her back. Then roll her on each side in turn and bend the upper leg at the knee to get whatever areas on her legs you were not confident shaving while she was on her back. Move around her bed to get the best possible position; don't just stand in one place.

    Shaving my late fianceé's legs was a very intimate experience for us. You're a good friend. Cherish the gift your friend is giving you.
    Morty -_-

  4. #4
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    That's a touching story Morty. It'll make me appreciate so much more shaving the wife's legs. Thanks.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Hint... try mixing tools and as always give attention to the
    shave prep
    as much or more than the shave.

    Like our standard beginner advice; use the open blade for the
    easy bits and use a safer blade like a yellow handled BiC on
    the harder to reach and shave bits. I feel like a broken record
    on the yellow handle BiC advice but they have more room in
    them to rinse clean and as a single blade do not cause ingrown
    hairs (inexpensive as heck too).

    The ladies in the group will recommend their favorite shave lotion/ soap/ cream
    but one that passed by was common hair conditioner/ detangler.

    I am a fan of fragrance free fragrance light products as they are less likely to irritate.
    Having said that do invest in a couple scented candles.

    Do include a gentle shampoo and rinse too... not that much extra bother.

    Lots of clean towels...

    Do fully sanitize and dedicate a specific razor for her..

    Lots of clean towels...

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to niftyshaving For This Useful Post:

    Morty (06-21-2010)

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