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  1. #1
    Member Hoopei's Avatar
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    Default My Razor and me...

    Hello, well i have been lurking around for a few days and thought i would say Hi. I picked up some spare parts from a chap in the next town to me called "Taylors 1000" on Ebay and it turned out he is a fantastically interesting chap and not just regarding S.Razors. So i told him that i had bought a Dovo about 15 years back when at medical school in Leeds tried to shave with it and nearly took my face off. So he said "its probably not shave ready", things start to make sense a decade later. So he gave me lots of fantastic advice about what type of Razor i should be using with thick dense stubble and advised me to read this page, he also said he will sharpen my Dovo (when i pop in again). When i see my father he lends me his Razor to practice with a Dovo too he assures me this is sharp. (he uses a Wilkinson straight hybrid thing).

    I downloaded the pdf. barber guide from this site (or another), lather, hot flannel, lather rub in skin stretching and practicing some stropping.

    Well the first few shaves left me a bit stubbly but i have persevered, i am only shaving with the grain then across it and odd bits of reverse action but i can honestly say past two mornings i have had two of the best most comfortable almost completely, bloodless shaves ever ( i can see why people give up because i had a load of stubble first 2-4 shaves )

    There is also a strange meditative quality to the shave, i cant quite put my finger on it, but its relaxing and feels like your painting? fishing (fly) or some other pastime, i cant believe the money i will save!, and i cannot cannot believe that this dangerous looking blade of steel gives me less irritation than a 3 blade system! i also cant believe that some how it is on some level forgiving and does not seem(touch wood for luck) to be any more risky than using a Mach3,4 or 5, it makes no sense to me at all!

    but i love it! i want to tell the whole world they have been deceived by the advertising world of shaving!

    Gentlemen I have taken the red pill and its fantastic on the other side!

    I am staying here.

  2. #2
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default My Razor and Me

    Hello, Hoopei:

    Welcome to Straight Razor Place, and to the world of gentlemen shavers. Peruse the tutorials, watch the videos, and take your time honing your skill. Any questions you have will be answered. Well, almost. We're delighted to have you with us.


  3. #3
    Senior Member cyclelu's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!

    There is a vast knowledge base here with some of the nicest individuals you would ever want to meet. Just remember to use very light pressure both stropping and shaving.

    Enjoy the journey!

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Oh-Oh I can see, you've got it bad. You been hooked without really realizing it. In a few months you'll be bragging about all the shaving gear you have acquired.

    Continue to enjoy those shaves and keep us informed of your progress.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #5
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP! Remember no matter the question there's always an answer waiting for you here. Beware of the addictions that are approaching you! Enjoy!

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Welcome Hoppei! You really hit gold when stumbling on Tony! He´s a really nice guy + he´ve a lot of nice straigths

  7. #7
    Library Marksmanship Unit Library Guy's Avatar
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    Quote: "i cant believe the money i will save!"

    Yup, with every razor, strop, and hone you buy, you save more and more money. Of course I did fail math once or twice...


    LG Roy

  8. #8
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Ah, the red pill!
    Love it, nice one!
    Good luck on your travels thru the wet shaving world.
    But be advised, you need to buckle up, 'cause Kansas is goin' bye-bye
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  9. #9
    Member Hoopei's Avatar
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    Default ha ha ha! lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Library Guy View Post
    Quote: "i cant believe the money i will save!"

    Yup, with every razor, strop, and hone you buy, you save more and more money. Of course I did fail math once or twice...


    LG Roy
    Your right i am already thinking, Mmmm i know i have two razors but it would be nice to have a selection box of sizes, and hollows. I like my Belgian water stone, but a nice yellow polishing stone would look nice, i really need a box for all the razors, and what if i am camping? i will have to get one stainless for that at least!

    In bed at night awake adding up all the options! you really are right!

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