I have a Brand New TI that I have stropped on a new leather, and nylon. I have also polished it with TI Strop paste on denim, then back to the leather and nylon. It glides thru my arm hair/ leg hair with ease, no pulls, no second pass needed. I've tried the HHT, from what I can understand that it is, and it cuts a hair quite well. I also read somewhere you should test a blade by the thumbnail method, and I can shave a piece off a thumbnail without much effort.
I prep my face with a moist hot towel, pre shave oil, and apply a rich lather with a Badger brush.
My face is still coming out raw, and it takes several passes to get the smooth finish I desire. I can't get near smooth on my chin, or under my jaw, and my neck is absolutely on fire by the time I am done.
Does all this mean that I am still doing it wrong, or can it still be the blade?
Is a raw face, neck and indication of too much pressure? too sharp of an angle?
What about needing multiple passes?
I know patience is required and 5 shaves won't make me an expert, I just need to know where to focus my efforts. Should I send my blade to a honemeister? Should a buy a shavette and find if I can shave effectively with that, or do I need to buy a rasoir from one of the honemeisters here?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
I am letting my face rest today, and maybe tomorrow. Back to an electric until my face heals.