I can't attribute all of this difference to simply changing to cold water, but I tried the most flexy full hollow on the same day I tried cold water. The shave was easy. I noted that a lighter touch than I was used to was all that was required. To follow up, I shaved the next day w/ a full hollow Genco (fluid steel). Same thing.

Another thing that helped was some confusion I let go of. 'Having watched the vids on angles, I was trying to keep a 30 deg angle on all of the face, and that's just not realistic in heavy grass, sensitive skin on tight corners, etc. So I did correct a pretty glaring mistake there.

'Shaved w/ a full hollow a total of 5 times since the last post. If I do my part, it does it's part. They're definitely more fussy than the heavier grind or the taller blade. One 13/16 full hollow gives no trouble at all, but it has very little flex.

Thank You again, Gents!