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  1. #1
    Sharp is Good! ShaveMind's Avatar
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    Default Hardest spot on your face to get a bbs?

    So, I'm starting my second year of shaving with a straight razor. I shave every day with a straight. I still have one remaining spot that frustrates the heck out of me: the corners of my mouth. For me it's hard to shave, very sensitive to xtg or atg, oh, and did I mention, very prone to bleeding at even the slightest nick.

    Please pardon if this has been discussed ad infinitum. You may simply direct me to the link, however my search showed no direct thread.

    So, I wonder what are your tough spots, and how do you deal with them?

  2. #2
    Senior Member JohnnyCakeDC's Avatar
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    I have a wicked odd growth pattern of hair along my right jaw line. All the stretching, and ambidextrous techniques cannot get this one area of my face as glass smooth as everywhere else. What do I do about it? I cope and move on. I think every Man has a similar issue.

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  4. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, I'll tell you, when you have those hard areas you experiment with different angles and different kinds of strokes and varying pressure and different blade types and sometimes even prep and if you still have problems you don't deal with it anymore. I have areas on my neck that I simply can't get to but with a few blades with really sharp smiles to them.

    I'm still getting a great shave so I don't worry about 100% BBS. 90% is good too.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  6. #4
    MWS is offline
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    Looking in the mirror, there's a 1 inch square spot just to the left of my adams apple in the crook of my neck. hair grows NE to SE and I can just never get it right.

    A couple of careful WTG passes gets it well enough, but I don't think I'll ever get ATG (especially with a spike!).

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  8. #5
    At Last, my Arm is Complete Again!! tinkersd's Avatar
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    Default Absolutelyl, corner of 'me mouth!!

    I am a perfectionist, which can be very, very painful in the hobby of wet shaving!! I do well on most of my face trying to meet the ever somewhat elusive BBS shave, even the so called fools pass [WTG/XTG/ATG] of the upper lip!! But the lower corners of my mouth, as you stated, one bloody bugger for me as well. All I can do is stretch in all directions and use the sharpest blade I can, it drives me ruddy nerves to jangles if when I'm done if I brush my hand accross my face in any direction and find stuble, even deep stuble that no ''Normal'' person would think to be criticle of I feel I"ve lost some how. I know I"M not alone in this, read about this type of obsession on this very blog many, many, many,.................many times. And yes, it can and does lead to an irritated face, but in the end, smooth and if done right, great smelling!! [blood and weepers be damed I say!]

    Thanks for letting me vent, have a great G/day' and a

    BBS every day!! tinkersd of SRP

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  10. #6
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Hardest spot


    Some things in life I must accept whether I like it or not. This is true in shaving.

    A thin horizontal line of stubble on both sides of my neck has fought me for years. Now and then I win the battle and wipe it off with the straight razor, but mostly I loose.

    A spot under my chin, on the right side, has sassed me for years. I give up.

    A thin line of stubble which arches from my right side burn down to the middle of my jaw line, and grows south to north, for heaven's sake, has been a puzzle for years.

    I can take care of these most of the time with the double edge razor, but the blasted things defy the straight razor, no matter the angle, pressure, passes — I surrender.

    And so some things I accept as part of life, like hemorrhoids.


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  12. #7
    Senior Member DBurnette's Avatar
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    The hollow of my neck on my left side. Today I decided to give it the three standard passes and quit no matter what. I still had to check, but after I showered, the stubble didn't seem so bad after all. It's frustrating because once in a while, it seems perfect.

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  14. #8
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    To Obie,

    You are a master with language and I applaud you for your skill, and then your sense of humor comes along and I just about spit out my martini all over the laptop as I read the last line, too funny!

    To Shavemind,

    As far as troublesome areas to shave, no suprise here, but I have always had trouble with my chin. Just recently, I tried a technique some helpful member posted some time ago, I wish I could remember who it was so I could thank them, anyway, he suggested shaving the chin first, right after stropping so you know your edge is at its peak, and what do you know? It works like a charm. Darn it, I wish I could thank him for that piece of advice.
    Last edited by ReardenSteel; 09-19-2010 at 09:10 PM.
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  16. #9
    Senior Member Str8nDE4RAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShaveMind View Post
    So, I'm starting my second year of shaving with a straight razor. I shave every day with a straight. I still have one remaining spot that frustrates the heck out of me: the corners of my mouth. For me it's hard to shave, very sensitive to xtg or atg, oh, and did I mention, very prone to bleeding at even the slightest nick.

    Please pardon if this has been discussed ad infinitum. You may simply direct me to the link, however my search showed no direct thread.

    So, I wonder what are your tough spots, and how do you deal with them?
    My neck is a hard spot for me right now. The hair tends to grow in different directions so I am trying different angles to get the best shave I can. I have also noticed that if I do more than 3 passes on my neck I have to Wait a few days before trying again so I am limited on how much I can experiment.

    The corners of my mouth seemed to be a difficult spot for me till I figured out how to place the blade below my nose and carefully go down, yea I am new to this.

    After figuring that out I started using the heel and shaved cross handed, left hand to shave the right side and right hand to shave the left side.

    Now I just go at an angle and it seems to get the corners pretty good, as long as I don't put too much of the blade over my mouth. It is a small area for error but it is getting easier to do.

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  18. #10
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    i've got a spot on the lower left side of my neck that has got to be the most ridiculous growth pattern ever thought up.. it's like crop circles down there.. i could get bbs if i were to go with about 10 passes.. but it's really not worth the irritation.. like obie says.. i just forget about bbs and enjoy the process.

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