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  1. #1
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    Default Nicks on the wrong side of the face??

    I am a newbie (three weeks into straight edge shaving) and I've had good progress in general. Hell, I've even gotten to the point where I am shaving the left side of my face with my left hand (my weak hand)...which is the source of my confusion. All the real nicks/cuts I've had are from the right side with my "strong" hand. I've got two nasty ones from some unintended lengthwise movement during blade placement. Is this common or am I just a spazz (ok...perhaps I don't want the answer to this!)?

    Also, I am still getting not quite BBS shaves after 2-3 passes - a point driven home by my recent quickie shave with a SE loaded with a Feather - three passes and it was like glass. I am hoping to get to that place with straight edge...but I realize that will take time....any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Senior Member certifiedbodyman's Avatar
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    As a newbie I wonder how much validity my opinion may carry but...I would offer that the dominant (right side for you) is an area of greater skill so...perhaps you may be a wee bit "overconfident" with that side whereas the left (non-dominant) side requires more patience and attention. Therefore, you may be rushing with the right not giving that side it's due concern while the left gets the requsite attention. Just a thought.
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  3. #3
    Junior Member Genesis's Avatar
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    I suspect personally that it's because your dominant hand is the one that you shaved with before. Any bad habits you picked up (pressure, bad angles, etc) are more likely to come out from that hand than from the one you've never used to shave. It's like learning to spell something the wrong way and having to relearn it the right way.

    Anyways, that's just my opinion but I think it's fairly sound, even though I'm new to SR shaves as well!

  4. #4
    Senior Member simpleman's Avatar
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    I would say your right genesis. All my nicks are on my left side while shaving with my left hand. My dominate side does well.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by simpleman View Post
    I would say your right genesis. All my nicks are on my left side while shaving with my left hand. My dominate side does well.
    Keep in mind too that the non-dominant side may have better skin stretching techinquie because you are holding the skin with your dominant hand.

    I'll be watching intently on the answers to your BBS question as I am in exactly the same boat with about the same amount of time in to this as you. However, I am taking 2-ATG passes and still not that smooth as glass BBS I get from DE's.

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    3 weeks and you expect BBS shaves? Most don't get them after 3 months.

    I'm left handed but I do alot including most of my shaving with my right hand. Once you become proficient you'll either use one hand or both whichever works best for you and you'll get equally good shaves either way. It just takes time and practice.
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  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I can shave with either hand but have chosen to use my dominant right hand for both sides as I'm more comfortable with that. Read my sig line below and follow the old barber's advice. That may help avoid nicks. Does for me.
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