This has been my third haircut with this Old School Barber, and if you look a my posts here you can just about tell when the first was. The first time, he used a str8 on my neck, it was an injectible bladed razor, I can't remember the brand, but I remember feeling so great, that the second time I went, I asked him about straight razors, and he reccomended the Dubl Duck. I told him that I had seen some complete sets sell new for around 300 bucks and he scoffed at the price.

I didn't realize that I was to begin my quest for a brand new double duck razor fresh off the factory line from their up to date website and go ahead and pay my 20 dollars for one and get started right away.

After a little google searching, I came across this forum, B&B and some information that led me to believe that I DIDN'T KNOW CRAP about str8 razors. I didn't expect that Dubl Ducks weren't made for 70 years or something like that and that they would cost a wee bit more than 20 American Dollars (I guess when he scoffed at the prices he didn't adjust for inflation). So I joined this forum, dug my Grandfathers Gillette Slim out of the drawer and sliced up my neck like OJ Simpson would (or wouldn't perhaps, your choice).

So yesterday I go in to get my ears lowered and I had a little bone to pick with him, for he sent me on a wild goose chase (read: Duck) for a razor that is a rare gem and costs a pretty penny. I was eager to speak to one of the few old heads left that still new how to wield the str8s, and still had his old strop hanging on the back of the chair (which he didn't want to sell me by the way cause I asked).

Now this barber is a Korean War vet, has been in the same location since 1961. I don't know if he was in a bad mood or what, but at 4:45 central time on a Friday evening, maybe he was just getting a bit tired or something, but I dont think that he was the least bit interested in my sudden interest in str8 shaving. lolool

So As soon as I sat down in his chair I began to tell him of my findings and that theres a "Group of people on the internet forums who are trying to bring straight razor shaving back"
"Theres going to be a lot of people cut up" he said in a dry, old man sort of manner that just seemed like he was about to dismiss some whippersnappers.

He told me he had a guy come in with a str8 a long time ago that was dull, and he couldn't get a shave with it, so his partner honed it for him, and the first thing the customer proceeded to do was run it down his face just as hard as he did when it was dull. "His face just seeped blood" he told me, and I almost busted out laughing if it weren't for the seriousness of it.

He then told me that he had another customer come in and wanted his face dry shaved with a straight adding "Theres all kinds of people in this world" emphisis on the kinds.

he told me it would take me 9 years to get the razor sharp.

Well, I realize that this was probably a waste of yalls time, but I guess it was one of those you had to be there things. I enjoy the guy, he reminds me of my grandfather. He won't give me any str8 shaves like the old days though, I might ask him again when he isn't busy and maybe offer him a 20 just for the experience of being done proper.

Im going to show him my latest aquisitions when I return.
