Three weeks ago when I met Scrapcan he was kind enough to hand me a few choices of straights...

Two were shave ready while the others he gave me to fool around with.

Up to that point I had been buying a few here and there to make my collection.

Yesterday he sent me an email asking if I had jumped into my first straight save yet... My answer was "NO", but I had lined my jawline for my beard.

So this morning... It was time...

I headed to the bath with my mug, cream, straight and DE.

I took a quick hot shower, jumped out and stood in front of the mirror.

I guess I did something right, I placed a small dab of cream in my mug while my brush soaked, and added a dab of body wash (I've been out of shave soap)... Whipped it until it became whipped cream... Probably the best consistency yet...

Now... I will admit that to hold a VERY sharp piece of steel at your throat is... Scary...

I started lining my jawline again, shallow strokes... When I was done, it was time to go further down...

My neck ended up smooth, but I didn't want to push my luck so I cleaned up with my DE...

15 hours later, it still feels like it did when I finished...

So I guess you can call this my first real straight shave, and I kept my head on my shoulders...