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  1. #21
    Member bikeguy1's Avatar
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    Default Kinda Like my Golf Game...

    I've been shaving with a straight for about four years now, and find that getting the best shave possible is similar to how I golf....the "harder" I try to get a good, nay GREAT, shave the worse I tend to make things. Same for my golf, often my best rounds of the year (or at least my best feeling swings) come early in the season, before I start trying to tweak my swing or strategy. Now, I'm not saying that continuing to learn, striving to do better, isn't important...staying engaged in the process is a big part of why we shave this way (and continue to golf, etc). But, once you've got good basics, forcing a "great" shave can lead to frustration and poor (or downright bad) outcomes. Plus, our expectations change as we become more proficient...what was a great shave when we're learning may feel like a mediocre one down the line, and we so badly want that glassy-smooth shave that we all know we can achieve.

  2. #22
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Well said, Bikeguy!
    "These aren't the droids you're looking for." "These aren't the droids we're looking for." "He can go about his business." "You can go about your business."

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