Hmmmmm. I kind of like this thread, even the disagreements. I guess it's all about interpretation of the OP. I agree, when you're not devoting your CPU's processors to the minute details of angling the blade, direction, pressure, speed of stroke, second-hand stretching, all the little details of the motions or concerted effort not to move the sensitive niblets of your face, angle of your head in relation to your view of yourself in the mirror, angling your head so as not to obstruct the view of what your attempting to do in the mirror, finding a less awkward/more natural way of shaving a particular hard spot, etc. you may be on a higher level, or zone, that allows you to adjust and experiment and grow into a more proficient shaver. And the funny part of it is, since it's the "intelligence of the hands" and you experience your own consciousness as the "doer" somewhat differently and surrender more to the process than to analyzing the process (which could be interfering with the process) you naturally evolve your own individual style and techniques that are effective for you.

What's really fun is when the fear of the blade leaves the mind and the naturally Fearless One takes over and you do things with the ease and quickness of a real shaver!