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  1. #1
    Junior Member Kraken85's Avatar
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    Default 3 Months in and shaving pretty darn good

    Been at this new hobby for about 3-4 months now and have nothing but good things to say. I'm so glad I made the switch. Ive noticed huge improvements in skin appearance and health overall. I have very sensitive skin and with being able to get closer shaves in half the amount of passes with a single blade has helped so much. I can usually make it in two passes and get a great bbs shave. Still nick my self every now and then in the mouth and chin area but they are non issue. Only question is does anyone else have problems right on either side of the mouth? this seems to be the only place no matter how gentle or careful I am I still get a tear or two.

    Thanks for any advice.

  2. #2
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    It sounds like you are doing great.
    Like you, I am inclined to get cuts on either side of the mouth. Very thin and sensitive skin, especially during the winter months, with the colder and drier weather.
    To resolve that, I only do WTG and XTG in that particular area. A really sharp blade, minimal pressure and really good prep is essential to me to avoid cuts in that area. With that extra care I usually avoid cuts and irritation.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  3. #3
    ace is offline
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    In my case, the sides of the mouth are difficult because, as Birnando pointed out, the skin there is quite thin. In my case, the skin there is also wrinkly, and it is easy for it to get caught up in front of the blade. I could do additional stretching there, but lately I have just compromised by giving up on ATG there. If there are whiskers left after WTG and XTG, I can live with that. BBS may be a goal, and I still try for it from time to time, but it's just a goal. I strive for a comfortable shave, and if it is less than perfect, well, that suits me just fine.

  4. #4
    Junior Member Kraken85's Avatar
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    I totally agree. I have resulted to just going with the grain and leaving it be. I don't have a lot of hair here so its no big deal. Just thought I would see if there was something I could do better. Thanks for all the pointers. I've been looking around for some different soaps too. I tried the Jack Black shaving cream but didn't really like it. Felt that it dried and became chalky too quickly no matter what combo of water I used. I use T&H soap and that works like a champ so maybe i'll just stick with that. Thought id look on the other side of the fence to see what I was missing. I thought maybe it was my brush just not giving me a good lather (9.99 Target Shea Moisture brush) but ive had this thing for a year it seems to work like a champ.

  5. #5
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    For those spots just outside my mouth, I'm even more careful than anywhere else (same care as the chin), stretch the skin more closely, and take to using very light, very short strokes.
    But great that you're doing so well with the rest of it!

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