{QUOTE]Is there a break in period after honing?[/QUOTE]
sometimes the edge improves sometimes not.

Quote Originally Posted by Iownagibson View Post
So i just got done honing with the unicot method. My razors are definitely sharp enough to shave with, but they felt very... coarse i guess is the word. They took lasered right through my stubble but it felt like they were a bit rough. like the edge maybe wasn't smooth enough. Should i take them back to the hones? or do i just need to strop them more to smooth out the edge? I already know my technique is lacking a bit but i can get a good shave with my daily shaver. So i'm just kind of wandering if any one notices that your shaves get a bit better after they've been away from the hones for a bit?
unicot method..
That tells me that you are a coti user. You may wish to experiment
with the method. Now that the razor is sharp you have the opportunity
to experiment with how to maintain it. I would lightly rub your coti
and use it like a barber hone with only five to ten strokes. You do
not want to think slurry you want to think rub the tops off the five
biggest garnets that might poke up.

CrOx on balsa or canvas is good. The submicron modern sprays
or a light application of paste can help an edge shave smoother.
Reserve an old or inexpensive strop for this purpose. News
paper, and cotton denim are inexpensive and handy to this end.

Strop smooth -- no pressure. The shave is made or lost on the strop.