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Thread: Razor rotation

  1. #1
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    Default Razor rotation

    I am new and as I read through many of these threads, I notice that some guys have a razor "rotation", meaning, they have several razors that they somehow rotate. What does this mean and why is this done?


  2. #2
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    I suspect there are many different answers to this.
    My answer is simple, I like all my razors.
    And since I like 'em, I wanna use them.

    My rotation is pretty random though.
    I take whatever razor that feels right on any particular day, and use that.
    No regimen and no rules for me.
    I only rotate about a third of my razors though.
    The rest is stored in a fire-proof cabinet at work.
    If I get tired of my current rotation, I will switch it out with new ones from the cabinet.
    Oddly, that has not happened yet
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    I suspect there are many different answers to this.
    My answer is simple, I like all my razors.
    And since I like 'em, I wanna use them.

    My rotation is pretty random though.
    I take whatever razor that feels right on any particular day, and use that.
    No regimen and no rules for me.
    I only rotate about a third of my razors though.
    The rest is stored in a fire-proof cabinet at work.
    If I get tired of my current rotation, I will switch it out with new ones from the cabinet.
    Oddly, that has not happened yet
    Okay, but why do you have many razors in the first place? Do you just like collecting them, or is there some kind of functionality to this method like in case one needs honing or sharpening you will always have another? But why so many that you would "rotate"?

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Different razors with different grinds and different sizes feel differently. Some people like to shave with a wide variety of razors because they shave diffenently. Some people collect as well as shave. And some of us just have the sickness known as RAD.

  5. #5
    Senior Member tekbow's Avatar
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    part of the joy of the hobby, is collecting them too, different grinds, styles of blade and suitability for what you're trying to do plays a factor. Also part of it is the belief that a blade should be allowed to rest between shaves. Not sure why this is, however it couldn't be a bad thing as the more you use a given bladethe sooner you'll have to get the blade rehoned

  6. #6
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aramirez626 View Post
    Okay, but why do you have many razors in the first place? Do you just like collecting them, or is there some kind of functionality to this method like in case one needs honing or sharpening you will always have another? But why so many that you would "rotate"?
    Just because I like to try out, and own, different sizes, brands, grinds and steels.
    There really isn't any need for more than one or two. Besides I hone my own razors so I guess 1 would pretty much do.
    It's just more fun with a little more

    Basically, it is a hobby.
    I'm no collector, it's just that I find it hard to sell any of them!
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    No different than with anything else people collect. You accumulate things and you like to use them. If it's something that just sits there and has no use people like to look at them and handle them and study them. I suspect you have maybe one and don't see the collecting side of this activity.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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    I guess I see now. I like to cook and over the years I have collected a few knives.

  9. #9
    ace is offline
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    Once you get one razor and get some success shaving,
    it won't be long until you find a brand about which you'll be raving.
    Then it's on to finding more and buying them, a thrilling sensation.
    And before you know it, you'll have yourself a "shaving rotation".

    Once you find and buy number two, you'll be adding number 3 then number 4.
    Before you know it, you've lost all control and all you want is more.
    You'll compare them, evaluate them, and determine how they rank,
    and this will continue until you get that dreaded call from your bank.

    You're overdrawn, you've PayPal'ed yourself into financial trouble
    looking for an ever better way to cut through all that stubble.
    But at least you won't have to spend all that money on cartridges and canned goo.
    Because with straight shaving your saving lots of money too.

    And they're collectible right, so they're an investment.
    You're piling up valuables set aside for your retirement.
    What a great plan, pass them on to your progeny.
    Just pray they don't use Pro Fusions and try to save money.

    Because those straights will just sit in the bathroom and grow old,
    covered in rust, patina, devil's spit, tarnish and mold.
    Your treasures will be ignored, dragged to a flea market then sold.
    Where some poor RAD-ridden Newbie will bring them in from the cold.
    Birnando, fiero11 and olbez like this.

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    Senior Member JimBC's Avatar
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    Sums it up good. Ace, ur startn' to get good on the poem replies.
    "The needs of the many out way the needs of the few or the one." Only if the 'few' or the 'one' are/is offering themselves (thru freewill) for the sacrifice. And not thru force from the 'many'.

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