I had my first complete straight razor shave with a shave ready Wade & Butcher that I bought from a member of this site, and I was disappointed with the results. After the hour or so of shave prep and shave I came out with a shave inferior to that which I would get from my Mach III.

Below was my shave prep:
1) Wet face with hot water
2) Massage face with Proraso preshave cream
3) Hot towel for 3 minutes
4) Lather with lather made with Proraso shave cream
5) let lather sit for about 1-2 minutes

I proceeded with the shave and I did two passes, one with the grain and another across the grain. Yes, the shave prep was nice, but prep aside the shave itself yielded results less close than what I would normally get from a regular mass market razor, and I needed much more finishing after the straight razor shave than I normally need when shaving with the Mach III.

My understanding was that straight razor shaving is supposed to get you a closer and superior shave compared to that of the mainstream Gillette method. I am asking if there is anything in my prep that is missing, or where the superior quality begins relative to the straight razor shave.

Thank you for any guidance