Quote Originally Posted by alb1981 View Post
of my 8 razor's i have 3 dovo's. I have found that the 5/8 ebony is the bane of my existance. It has it's own personality and reacts totally different on my face! I jokingly refer to it as the mosquito...It flies around my face imperceptibly, takes its blood, and leave's me itchy! It was bought new and honed by Lynn so i sincerley doubt that the blade has any issues, just somehow no matter how slow i take it she bites me! nothing major, but still annoying.

I am fully aware that the razor can preform amazingly, it is my lack of talent with it that cause's my issue! I accept it and look forward to the dance with her every week.
You have the razor equivalent of Christine soon you'll start waking up with random victims piled up in the house!