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Thread: Sideways on the neck

  1. #11
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    A short, smiling blade can be helpful. You will still need to become proficient with a grip that will give you control at that initially awkward position. Shaving the neck in the direction that is perpendicular to the jugular while stretching the skin at the same time takes some practice

    edit: Safely shaving the neck in the direction that is perpendicular to the jugular while stretching the skin at the same time takes some practice
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  2. #12
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I could never ever go E-W on my neck except with a Kamisori because it's so much shorter. My neck is just too contoured so no matter the stretching or angle it really makes no difference. With some select razors the differing angles seems to work well but in general I do one wtg and one xtg and that's it. If I get BBS on my neck I consider that my lucky day.
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  3. #13
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    For me, I go with gravity on the first pass, on the second pass I shave across on the part above the jawline, and south to north below. the 3rd pass, I start at the base of my neck below the ear and shave towards my chin at a 45 deg angle, and then south to north above the jawline. This seems to help me get this spot below the jaw in the hollow of my neck. Hope this helps, but you should keep experimenting and it will come to you. I picked one day when I could shave at leisure without distraction to work on technique. This seems to work for me, someone else may have better advice, hope this helps.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member HigherFasterNow's Avatar
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    Name:  shaving chart.jpg
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    Seems my beard grows like this. I'd kind of already figured this out but its neat to see it on paper

    Anyways I tried shaving like the guy in the video. Problem is I don't have that nice round neck he has. So I missed a huge chuck of neck shaving like that. So I held it Japanese style with the handle on the slightly more on the closed side. The result... almost got my neck smooth. LOL

    Anyways anyone else got a beard chart?

    Does someone have similar beard growth?

    Any other methods I could try?

  5. #15
    Member MrIdentical's Avatar
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    I had the same problem. Although i havent entirely solved it I've made progress. I hold the blade on a 45 degree angle and shave directly sideways on the neck.

    Doubt this helps but theres my two cents!
    Last edited by MrIdentical; 08-10-2011 at 01:21 PM.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Durhampiper's Avatar
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    You might find this thread helpful:

    There's good discussion of techniques that might help and also a useful diagram at the bottom of the first page. Good luck!
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  7. #17
    W&B, Torrey, Filarmonica fanboy FatboySlim's Avatar
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    Check out Chimensch's YouTube shaving video here, starting at around 5:06. Watch the whole video, it's all great; but the part starting at 5:06 is directly relevant to your issue.

    Chimensch's video is deceptive, because it's very subtle and he makes this look so easy and non-dramatic, shaving his neck with his opposite-side hand ATG. But as many great shaving videos as I've seen posted on SRP, I must say that I've learned more from watching this video carefully and repeatedly than any other.

    The first time I tried this technique on my neck shown starting at 5:06, I burned my skin up, because I used too much pressure! A VERY light and sure touch is needed, which comes with practice and care. I actually pull up on my earlobe rather than stretch up on my cheek as Chimensch does. But however you pull this move off, it's very effective as part of a 3rd pass ATG neck shave. Watch carefully, and try this. If nothing else, you will learn. Experiment. No one shave will make or break you, this is a long-distance game.

  8. #18
    Senior Member zappbrannigan's Avatar
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    The video I found helpful for this is this one, where he describes how to do a "diagonal pass" on the neck.

  • #19
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrIdentical View Post
    I had the same problem. Although i havent entirely solved it I've made progress. I hold the blade on a 45 degree angle and shave directly sideways on the neck.

    Doubt this helps but theres my two cents!
    Actually, this is what I've been doing, but with moderate success. It's a modification of the same stroke I used with my SE razor. I'm not confident enough yet to do it smoothly. I had a shave where I got my dominant side baby smooth, but my off side was still rough. However, while it was only one shave, I suppose that means it can work.

    Quote Originally Posted by FatboySlim View Post
    Check out Chimensch's YouTube shaving video here, starting at around 5:06. Watch the whole video, it's all great; but the part starting at 5:06 is directly relevant to your issue.

    Chimensch's video is deceptive, because it's very subtle and he makes this look so easy and non-dramatic, shaving his neck with his opposite-side hand ATG. But as many great shaving videos as I've seen posted on SRP, I must say that I've learned more from watching this video carefully and repeatedly than any other.

    The first time I tried this technique on my neck shown starting at 5:06, I burned my skin up, because I used too much pressure! A VERY light and sure touch is needed, which comes with practice and care. I actually pull up on my earlobe rather than stretch up on my cheek as Chimensch does. But however you pull this move off, it's very effective as part of a 3rd pass ATG neck shave. Watch carefully, and try this. If nothing else, you will learn. Experiment. No one shave will make or break you, this is a long-distance game.

    Great video. That guy is very confident shaving!

  • #20
    Member MrIdentical's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by medicevans View Post
    Actually, this is what I've been doing, but with moderate success. It's a modification of the same stroke I used with my SE razor. I'm not confident enough yet to do it smoothly. I had a shave where I got my dominant side baby smooth, but my off side was still rough. However, while it was only one shave, I suppose that means it can work.
    Yeah its kinda scary too because it can feel like you're about to cut your own throat too!

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