I've been shaving with a Lynn-sharpened Wade and Butcher, looks like about 4/8 or 9/16. Recently I got an old Joseph Elliot's, a heavier blade (still hollow though) which I think is 6/8. I honed it myself. It is nowhere near Lynn-sharpness, needless to say, but interestingly it does a lot better on my chin, where the stubble is maddeningly thick. The W&B just gets hung up in there. This is making me wonder about the larger blades. Unlike many here, I don't particularly like the look or mystique of them, but if they can conquer this chin then I'm getting one.

Is it true, though, that it's weight not size that matters? Should I be looking into half-hollows and wedges? I've noticed that the old 1920's barber's manual talks about the appropriate razor for a given beard in terms of thinness - by which I assume they mean hollowness, not width in eighths.

If there's something out there that can mow down chin hair that looks like copper wire, I'm buying it.