Just finished up shave number 3, so far....pretty good. I'm finding my cheeks to be breeze, the sides of my neck are not as simple but I'm getting decent results. No problems using both left and right hands. Which brings me to the trouble areas which of course are the chin and lip. I've made improvements on the chin. I'm finding using the center of the blade and heel area provide more control as well as using very short strokes however the end result is still pretty stubbly. My lip on the other hand is a whole nother monster. I can't find a good starting point for my stroke without it pulling and being rather uncomfortable. I manage to get it smoother than my chin but it's patchy. Any guidance or suggestions you guys can offer? I'm sure these are the usual difficult areas everyone has trouble with in the beginning so I'm not getting discouraged in any way.

All in all I'm having a great time and look forward to running my hand across my face and feel enough stubble to know I get to shave that day.