Quote Originally Posted by mcgyver74 View Post

I'm reading the instructions that were mailed to me when I confirmed my payment for the razor/strop and I am a little confused on a few things, he mentions stropping after you shave, I thought you were supposed to strop before the shave? (or is it both? ) Also there seems to be some debate about storing the SR and Strop in the bathroom (some say it's ok others not...I figure I'll err on the side of caution but still am curious why it's bad according to some)
Stropping after shaving is supposed to clean the edge of any soap that wasn't rinsed off. It doesn't hurt the razor to do it, so I figure, why not?

You should strop before shaving to have the smoothest possible edge. Some go so far as to strop midway through the shave. If you're curious, experiment with when and how long you strop. The whole idea is to have the best and most comfortable shave possible.

Bathrooms are usually high humidity areas, and that's why storing your razor and strop there is not recommended. If your bathroom is big enough or well-ventilated, you could probably get away with it. If you try, keep a good watch on them for rust/stains on the razor and mold on the strop. Personally, I think you have more chance of having problems from not drying the razor thoroughly before you put it away than from humidity in the bathroom.