I am visual in both eyes, but if I understand your dilemma correctly I think I may have a workable solution for you. Like Dave, when I was first using a straight razor I discovered that shaving the right side of my face with my right hand and the left side with my left hand my hand totally blocked the view of the razor on the skin. Bob Allman showed me a trick that solves the problem. Turn the razor around in your hand, i.e., have the hinge/tang end toward your ear and the toe of the razor pointing toward the mirror. I put my index finger on the monkey tail and the thumb and remaining fingers on the tang. There is a minor problem with doing this - you'll find your ear is somewhat in the way, but it is very doable. I now shave my entire cheeks WTG in this manner, not just my sideburns. I just "mock" practiced doing this looking in the mirror with my right hand shaving my right sideburns with my right eye closed and can see everything I'm shaving.

Hope this helps. Happy shaving. Let us know when you get your gear. You're in for the ride of your life. Shaving with a straight is awesome. Welcome to SRP! Greg