Quote Originally Posted by U2Bono269 View Post
So my plan is to take it back to the barber hone for another 5 laps, followed by 10 on the pasted strop to smooth it out, 100 on linen, 100 on leather, and I think that should take it back to the sharpness I need. I think it's a good idea also because I might have nicked the edge on my scales when I was folding the razor to put it away...they're bakelite scales and it was, at worst, a glancing nick, but you never know. Under a small magnifying glass the edge looked fine, but I'll do it to be safe.

The takeaway here is that I need to be more proactive in maintaining my edge. I think having a pasted strop should help out with that, with the barber hone for when it gets too dull for the paste. How's all that sound?
That sounds like the sensible approach, a barber's hone and a pasted strop. I once had the opportunity to stop there. If you do ding up the blade by dropping it or crashing into the scales, you'll probably have to send it out to someone who's got the 1k through 8k hones.

Good luck and best wishes, and may HAD remain beyond the horizon for you.