My almost 18-year old started shaving with str8s a couple of Christmases ago, along with me. Other than a couple of experiments with an electric, it was how he learned to shave, and still does. We both got bitten by the str8 bug at the same time, so as I recall, we might have had a couple of quick sessions in front of the large mirror in our hall bath in which we talked about technique. But the biggest help for both of us was this forum, and the many helpful videos out on the subject. Kids nowadays really learn a lot using YouTube and other on-line helps (heck, even at 46, I do too!).

So if you trust them around sharp objects, and they are the inquisitive types who can learn a lot on-line, you might just be surprised at how little you have to do other than get them the gear. Let us know how it goes.