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Thread: Do we really need more than one razor?

  1. #1
    Senior Member bman40's Avatar
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    Default Do we really need more than one razor?

    all kidding aside, and disregarding the fun of collecting, is it possible to use just one razor, and use it every day?

    Can one razor be used say six or seven days a week? Obviously it would need to hit the hones a lot more often, but is it possible.

    Is 'blade resting' a myth?


  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Of course you could get by with one. In the day many folks only had 1 razor. Personally I think you should have 2-3 so if one quits on you or gets damaged you have a back-up.
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  4. #3
    razor saver yosh's Avatar
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    I am guessing my great grandfather did it as he only had a single razor in his possession when he died. I suppose when one wore out, he acquired a new one.


  5. #4
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Easy Answer: No, you only NEED one. But we WANT more.
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  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Allow me to be the first to scream "Shennanigans!" and move to strike this thread in its entirity Seriously though, I suspect that's how most working class men did it for many years. Truth be told a hundred years or so ago, owning even two or three razors was probably a privelege reserved for men of serious means. Working men often times used the razor that was passed down to them by their father and in turn passed it on to their son (when he was old enough to shave.) I can't imagine a rotation of just one razor would, functionally, be a problem. Again though, like most ADs the question is: Are you in it just to shave or is it a hobby? From a purely functional standpoint none of us needs more than one razor, one hone, one strop, one brush, one soap or cream, one aftershave and one cologne (optional) but then again, how much fun would that be?
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  8. #6
    lz6 is offline
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    Yes you can have a single razor and do just fine. I can remember watching my Grandfather, in the early 1950's, shave with his only razor everyday. As far as I know it was his only straight razor. I also remember that on Saturdays he would go to his barber shop in Kansas City, Mo., for a haircut and a shave. Sundays was suit and tie day for church and family Sunday dinner. Sometimes he would take his razor and I think the barber touched up his blade. My Grandfather operated a Texaco station and exchanged services on the barbers car for his haircuts and shaves.
    Sorry for the thread jack!

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  9. #7
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I'm in it just to shave, but I still managed to get more razors, I've bought four (one for a mate of mine) and either traded for, or was gifted the others. Of the three I bought, only one is in my top three. I use one till it's time for a refresh of the edge before I do refresh that edge, and oil it up to go back into storage, while I play with the next one I happen to grab. I have three that get more use than the other six, and if I was to get rid of any, it wouldn't be those three.


  10. #8
    Junior Member rinwaln's Avatar
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    I ran with a single blade almost for my entire first year, now I have several but only 2 in rotation. The only reason I have that many in rotation ATM is they're both for JaNorton 2012. I love acquiring new blades and refurbishing them but I'm a pragmatic sort and will probably never have more than 2-3 blades in my personal collection. Right now I have 7 in the house but they are all in various states of disrepair and are my works in progress even the 2 I'm using for JaNorton are unfinished in some manner the 1 needs a polish and the other needs a polish and scales. So in my experience yes you can absolutely live very well with only 1 blade.

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  12. #9
    Junior Member sylphr's Avatar
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    I plan on collecting around 7 razors but right now I only have 3 of different sizes and grinds. More or less I wanted to find out what was comfortable for my beard. My 6/8 half hallow is now dull needing shipped out, my 9/16 half hallow is pulling and the 5/8 full hallow is shaving but kind of a banger that will more than likely end up being a test razor. It would be preferable to have at least 3 sharp in an every other day rotation while the other 4 are either in need of sending out or just touch up maintenance.

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  14. #10
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    Here we go again with someone on this forum talking about "need".

    We only need one, but that's very utilitarian and not very much fun. I've only been shaving with a straight for a few months, but I would be hard-pressed to pare my collection down to one razor. I mean...I already have 7 in my rotation, with another 7 or 8 in the resto-bin.

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