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Thread: First straight shave tonight went okay

  1. #1
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    Default First straight shave tonight went okay

    Well I finally got my vintage razors back from a honemeister and used them tonight. It was my first time with a straight and I got one small nick on the jawline in front of my right ear which barely even bled. I was surprised at how easy the neck was but the goatee area was a bear! I ended up have to clean it up with the DE afterward.

    Overall I was underwhelmed with the shave. I've been using a DE and badger brush with some high end soaps and creams for over three years now I get some great shaves. I didn't get the straights because I wasn't happy with my current setup, I got them for the nostalgia and coolness factor. I guess we'll see if I stick with it. How many of you regular straight users use a DE regularly as well? Those Feather DE blades are hard to beat!

  2. #2
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    Strictly a straight razor user, except when traveling, then it's a Rolls razor.

    Tried a DE, and it was OK, but I still prefer a straight.


  3. #3
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    Many of us use DE's on a weekly, if not fairly regular, basis. It's good to add some variety and enjoy each type of razor for what it is. But I will forewarn you, you will not be able to match the closeness of a feather blade shave for quite some time, so if that was your expectation I would recommend that you lower them. I've been at this for a few years now, and even I have to admit that the feather provides a fantastic shave that I love. It is possible to match it, but it will take time and practice.

    I sincerely hope I haven't scared you off, just trying to be realistic....

  4. #4
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Straight shaving has a learning curve, one shave is nothing. Get back to us after 50-100 shaves...
    dave5225, Otto and RPF like this.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Snuff's Avatar
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    I don't think there are many people who start with straight shaving that get good results within the first two months, it takes time. A friend told me expect at least 4 months before you can really get a good shave. It gets better and better, especially if you stick to one or two razors. I didn't use a DE to clean up because that way I was so pissed about the less then decent shave that I put a lot more effort in learning how to get it right. I'm very glad I stayed with it, I always look forward to my shave now.

  6. #6
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    You're not the first to post your less then stellar first straight shave. We have all been in your shoes when we began. It takes time to learn proper technique (ie angle, light pressure, stretching, etc). Stick with it and one day everything just clicks and you get the shave you been wanting all along. The learning curve varies, some pick it up quickly, while it may take some a few months to get there. For me, I'd say it took about 2 months shaving every day before I got decent shaves with my straight razor, another month or two to finally be able to complete an entire shave, including chin, without resorting to my DE for cleanup. It will come in time if you have the patience to endure. Hope this encourages you to stick with it and keep us posted on your progress.
    Why doesn't the taco truck drive around the neighborhood selling tacos & margaritas???

  7. #7
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    The previous postings are oh so right. Straight razor shaving has a learning curve that can be quite lengthy. Once you get there, however, and get that first BBS shave you never want to go back.

    Not to worry though. Many straight razor shavers also have a trusty DE razor or two, or three or...for those days when they are in a hurry for a quick, close comfortable shave.

    I love shaving with my DE razors as much as I enjoy shaving with my straights.
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  8. #8
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    Switched to a DE setup over a year ago. Decided to try a straight after about 4 months of that since the DE was working so well. First 4 times I put the straight to my face I couldn't bet it to move at all through the beard. I would stop, pickup my tried and true slim adjustable and go to town. Then on the 5th try I was able to get the WTG pass with the straight. It took a few more weeks before I tried XTG and even longer before I was able to get ATG with the straight. I still do some touchups on my neck after year but I'm hoping that will fall into place sometime soon.

    Don't give up yet. It'll all fall into place soon enough and you'll see what we all rant and rave about.


  9. #9
    The Knight who says NI! mcgyver74's Avatar
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    Don't give up, one shave is nothing, Mozart didn't write symphonies the first time he sat at a Piano,

    I used to love my DE (Either Feather or Personna Red's are my blades of choice) and when I started with the straight, I'd usually shave, then have to RE shave with the DE. Gradually it got better and better..

    Now, I get a MUCH closer shave with the straight (My 5 o'clock shadow doesn't come back nearly as fast) but even at where I am, I still need to touch up the hollows of my neck with the DE after a shave....

    Now, I MUCH prefer my straight, but I will once in a while (usually if I oversleep) use the DE since it's fast..

  10. #10
    Member Saxon's Avatar
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    I don't have a DE but I have a Gem Bar SE that I've been shaving with for years and I always get a great shave with it. I've only been shaving with a straight for about two months and I'm still learning how to get the most out of my straights. It took me weeks of shaving to get a passable shave without having to do touch-ups with my SE afterwards. Working with a SR isn't as fast as a DE or SE and requires more concentration and skill, but that's part of what makes it a great experience. As a real estate agent once told me when I was looking for a house, "Enjoy the process"
    Last edited by Saxon; 01-15-2012 at 06:15 AM.

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