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  1. #11
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I too have to shave daily as my boss would frown on an unshaven face. I don't see that as a problem though as I love shaving. I find if my razor is sharp I get a good shave every day.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Joe Lerch's Avatar
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    Except when I'm not working I can't even consider not shaving every day. THe times I skipped a day or more, it did seem that the shave was better.

    I've heard this many times and seen many discussions, but there are only two answers that seem to make any sense. One is that the additional growth allows natural oils to be secreted and absorbed, which soften the hair and make it easier to cut. The other is that you forgot how comfortable your shaves are now, and the the results of shave feel better because you're comparing it to that prickly mess, instead of just your daily stubble.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Shaving does not only remove stubble but also a thin layer of dead (and if you nick yourself live) skin. The longer you haven't shaved the more time your skin has had to recover. The fact that alcohol and adstringents sting when applied immediately after shaving but not when applied one or more days after shaving demonstrates the fact that shaving has uncovered nerve endings that normally are covered by an intact skin. The more recovered the skin the better it can handle a shave. 24 hours may just not be enough time for the skin to recover.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Joe Lerch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees
    Shaving does not only remove stubble but also a thin layer of dead (and if you nick yourself live) skin. The longer you haven't shaved the more time your skin has had to recover. The fact that alcohol and adstringents sting when applied immediately after shaving but not when applied one or more days after shaving demonstrates the fact that shaving has uncovered nerve endings that normally are covered by an intact skin. The more recovered the skin the better it can handle a shave. 24 hours may just not be enough time for the skin to recover.
    This is, of course true, but my answer was provided with the asumption that regardless of how you shaved you would be careful not to produce any effect other than normal exfolliation, which should produce no more than a slight tingle.

    If you are prone to irritation, shaving less often will always result in more comfort. But if you are prone to irritation it is best to shave as non-aggressively as possible, which means taking more passes to reach the skin or shaving with fewer passes, but more often.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    I think Ed has been reading John Bridges! I agree, a good shave daily that is close is preferred. However, after going over a year without missing a day, it is nice once in a while to take a day off. I think my face appreciates it, and if I am not going to be in public, then I will skip a day.


  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT
    How can you guys stand 4 days without a shave? The most I can do is skip a day, and that's only before Taylor-days.
    i'll second that. i thought the whole point of straight razors was to be clean-shaven.

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrano138
    i'll second that. i thought the whole point of straight razors was to be clean-shaven.
    Certainly - for some people. Ans some people just like to shave every day.

    For me the whole point of straight razors is that I enjoy them a lot as objects and also love the act of shaving with one.

    This does not at all mean that I have to like shaving every day. I also enjoy a little stubble on my face. Much like this: I love meat, but also like vegetarian meals. I enjoy shaving so much that I would shave pretty much every day, but for now my skin, growth, and skills combination does not seem to allow this comfortably. I would rather shave less often and enjoy this than shave every day and not enjoy it. If I need to shave for work - then I'd do it. Maybe then my skin will adapt, and my skills will allow this. For now - I'll shave whenever I feel like it.


  8. #18
    Senior Member Tobico4's Avatar
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    Every day if I need to or not, just because I enjoy it...twice a day if I have worked on a new razor and can't wait until the morning to find out if it is "shave ready"

    Sick...but fun


  9. #19
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    When I started shaving I only needed to do it every other day. Since I was using an electric, that was fine by me. Then there were a couple of years of denial until I finally realized I needed to shave daily to look presentable for work. Since I hated shaving with the electric, thought DEs were dead and disposables started to get excruciatingly painful an hour or so after the shave, I decided to give SE shaving a try. The best decision of my shaving career. Now I actually enjoy my shaves! Even though due to relatively light color of my facial hair, the closeness of the shaves and looser standards of the day, I can get away with shaving every other day again, I just don't want to skip my pleasure.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Agamemnon's Avatar
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    Probably the only times I've shaved on a daily basis were when I was a bald headed trainee at Fort Benning and when I started str8 shaving in earnest. It only took a short while to back off to my current three times a week in part because of the irritation, especially on the neck and chin. Of course I could probably go back to daily shaves now that I'm better at honing and stropping and have more than a couple of razors in the rotation but three times each week works for me so I'll stick with it. If, on occasion, I have something going on where being clean shaven is a must I just make sure to skip shaving the day before.

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