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  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT
    Fortunately, I'm the child of 2 engineers, one of which is a country-boy who grew up on 120-140 proof plum-based moonshine. After lots of training in a small North Ontario mining town in addition to the genetic aspect, I learned to always get to my bed and sleep it off

    When I was in undergrad, I used to race my car in the downtown streets reserved for pedestrians only at 3-4 am with 6+ friends inside on 6x100 vodka plus other stuff. The only other guys doing this were the police, and I had to bribe them sometimes to let me go (have paid up to US $20, which was a lot as this happened in Bulgaria many years ago)

    One of my records, which I still remember, was 24 shots of tequila 50 grams each. One of my friends and I had decided to do 23, he collapsed on the 22nd and I finished his last, then got my other friends to take him home (I couldn't possibly do that, hardly took myself home)

    Eh, good times.

    Now my training is way down, I have settled and aged and 6x100 without getting wasted counts as the achievement for the quarter or something


  2. #12
    Honely Challenged drsch3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by izlat
    One of my records, which I still remember, was 24 shots of tequila 50 grams each
    no more callers please ... we have a winner

    I think my best was a slab in 24 hours. I have a light beer these days and I'm anyones. Actually I've always been anyones forget that last statement

  3. #13
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    When we went out drinking, we always found some designated suck.. I mean driver to drive us to the bad and take my car back to campus. We'd go splits on a cab back. 24 shots is a respectable number. Only approached (to my knowledge) by this guy named Joel... We were doing the century club during frosh week, but instead of beer, he was polishing off some vodka. He got to 23, got up and went to the social center to watch a movie. 23 shots of vodka in 23 minutes, no wonder I still remember something that happened like 4-5 years ago.

    As for my personal record, that was half a draft-ball (so a bit more than a 24 of beer) and then I went to play shooter games with some girls and this Sideshow-Bob lookalike who walked in off the street.

    Ooops, forgot a high-school record.. I was 17... Went fishing with a buddy one afternoon, we brought 2 cases of 20 tall ones. Didn't catch much fish but we drank all of the beer and then went to shoot pool at a bar, ofcourse with a few drinks over our games.

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT
    When we went out drinking, we always found some designated suck.. I mean driver to drive us to the bad and take my car back to campus. We'd go splits on a cab back. 24 shots is a respectable number. Only approached (to my knowledge) by this guy named Joel... We were doing the century club during frosh week, but instead of beer, he was polishing off some vodka. He got to 23, got up and went to the social center to watch a movie. 23 shots of vodka in 23 minutes, no wonder I still remember something that happened like 4-5 years ago.

    As for my personal record, that was half a draft-ball (so a bit more than a 24 of beer) and then I went to play shooter games with some girls and this Sideshow-Bob lookalike who walked in off the street.

    First, it took us much more than 23 minutes (more than an hour, we also talked and stuff, you know). Second, I had to crawl on the stairs and when I got to my bed after a cold shower taken with all my clothes and boots on it was spinning like a giant roulette, hehehe

    This guy is a monster. I have friends who drink much more, but they are nowhere OK and able to go enjoy a movie... And they would never think about watching a movie once they start, btw

    Edit to say: many of my friends here in US are European or World champs in gymnastics and acrobatics. They work stunts and stuff like Cirque de Soleil and they do real crazy stuff when they get drunk

    Last edited by izlat; 10-19-2006 at 04:08 AM.

  5. #15
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Ivo, I'd definitely like to go for a few drinks with you and your buddies. You guys seem like a fun bunch.

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT
    Ivo, I'd definitely like to go for a few drinks with you and your buddies. You guys seem like a fun bunch.
    You are most welcome - if you're coming to Orlando!

    Unfortunately, I am going out less and less. I have to deal with the "who else who is married does that?' to which of course I respond that I don't care who else does it and that I want to live my life the way i think i like it... but nevertheless I compromise and stay at home more... Oh, one time a year ago I got so drunk i fell asleep without calling her at one of my friends and woke up at 9 am the next day. Let me tell you, my wife was not happy at all.


  7. #17
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Ivo, that's why you make up a few random names and give them nice professions and happy marriages

  8. #18
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    Default ouch!

    The pencil type does bite hard for some reason. I think driving a pointy object into a wound could cross your eyes. I use a powder type on any mishaps. I's called nick relief by 'infa-lab'. I dab a dry q-tip into the tube and gently apply to the nick. If I need more I naver use the same end twice.

  9. #19
    Member entropy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drsch3
    When I use alcohol in other forms I usually have problems hitting the floor not the ceiling
    Funny - under similar circumstances, I have no problem hitting the floor at all!

    But seriously folks - I hear ya on the styptic pencil. I figure that momentary torture is like the penalty for not concentrating and/or rushing while shaving. It's a great deterrent, gotta admit that!

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