My gal hates the straight, she has let me shave her legs before but she doesn't "see the point". Her reasoning is it takes too long... I did buy her a Schick injector that she has tried, but there is still a slight learning curve compared to her normal way. I also throw in the better shave/ lower cost. She joined the forum a few weeks ago seeking help with finding me a soap I would like for my birthday, and has since been caught browsing the ladies section. She is now toying with the idea of an alternate method of shaving. In the past I have found she hates "razor" talk (as much as I hate "shoe" talk)...IF she asks a question I answer her, but I wait for her to ask or express interest. Which has helped cause now she is gaining interest instead of getting a blank stare dreaming about puppies and kittens or whatever else goes through her head when razors get brought up